When we do, we try to do good...

Sunday, October 26, 2008

A Minor B*t*hFest

Have I mentioned how much I want my house cleaned yet? No?


I want to be able to walk around in the dark and know I wont step on god knows what. I would like to go to the cupboard and get a cup when thirsty rather than having to hunt a cup down whereever one MIGHT be. It would be nice to be able to go sit on the couch and relax without worrying about what I should be doing.



I am tired of the insinuations that it is my fault it is messy. It takes a family to mess this place up. I dont get why its not universally known. Honestly? Am I missing some important piece of the puzzle that says that I am teh only one who should do dishes or pick up as I go along?!?!???




I am alone in the responsibility and blame for the messy house around here. I walk around strewing toys everywhere adn leaving cups around to never be found again. I remove my clothes in teh livingroom and leave them so when I do laundry I have to wander the hosue in search of clothes so I wont complain later when theyre not washed?

I am not saying that I dont do anything messy becuase I am a slob and I admit it. But i would think that if I admit a failing and BEG for help correcting it. (BEG OVER AND OVER) Then I would get SOMETHING.

Seriously. "start in one room and stick with it" doesnt work for me. WHERE DO I START?!?!?!? In my own OCD way I will ALWAYS ALWAYS either rearrange the dvd shelf tehn get bored or I will grab dirty clothes and dishes adn start laundry and a sink of dishes. Then the counters then get bored.

Where is my list of chores i have been BEGGING FOR??!?!?!?????


Maybe theres a list online?

Off to see.

1 comment:

Debra-Dawn said...

you wanna clean sweap?



cause ill tell you what...

if Henry will help me and you give us free range as to what we can do...

i bet we could rock your house in less than 4 hrs...

you woudl have to say goodbye to some dishes and toys...

find out from Henry...

but this wed or thurs lunchtimeish is good for me...


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