When we do, we try to do good...

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Bloggy bloggy

Okay McNaggypantz ;)

Today was a great day. Got up, took samara to school, went to the bank and got my printouts then Maggies. Bosom Buddies was great, we celebrated World Breastfeeding Week (which begins tomorrow.) We got to preview the new ads and commercials for Breastfeeding Nova Scotia that launch tomorrow. They were gorgeous.

Took teh kids for Icecream afterschool and picked up Kevin at work.

Yesterday I forgot to watch the good wife. Blah. i suck.

Kev stayed home sick, we took the kids to the beach. It was gorgeous. I love the beach on rainy days.

Monday was maggies place. LOL.

Saturday night with Karen was a great time. Good food, good people (for the most part HAHA did run into a jackass by the end of the night :P ) then ended the evening with a great friend and was home by 2am. Spent 5 bucks. I rocked it. MWAHA,

Saturday, September 26, 2009

So now I am thinking of kicking worldly ass

I am finally feeling motivated.

I am going to get back on the laundry situatsion to ensure exactly what I want to wear tonight is DONE and DRY in the 2 hours until Karen comes!

Then I am going to clean adn organize to make things easier for kev and donavan tonght without me.

Then I am cleaning off teh table beucase that mess is starting to officially piss me off. Then to my cupboards. That beautiful digital slowcooker needs to fit. Or else. (Take that coffee maker).

Yes. I am going to do all of this in, you guessed it, 2 hours. While listening too my ipod on ym tiny stereo. Hell... I might just see whats wrong with the big speakers while I am at it.

I am just that motivated!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Me and My Lappy

So working tomorrow, my last shift? Always a ball though.

watching tv and setting up the laptop the way I want it.

I wanted to get some writing done tonight but it took SO fricking long to get office set up and all. ugh. I am so picky but I cant stand the thought of anything but what I like to type on.

I have an old friend all set to beta it for me. By beta I mean read it over, correct my spelling, tell me what doesnt make sense and also SCREAM with how much she loves me. She was my biggest fan and an awesome writter herself though she always wrote a totally different genre etc than me. OTHER end of teh spec!

I cant wait to get started, I brainstormed ideas today of where to start and I think I have a good list set.

Holy tv LOL

I watched Bones then had fringe on for a bit while flipping in my head over the slow d/l then changed it to the police women show and now LA Ink is on.

Found a temperary mouse to use with the lap. it is tinnnnnnnnny and bright shiny pink and came with a brats doll that samara got for xmas or her bday last year.
(no i didnt buy it!) The mouse works well though the tiny size is annoying haha.

Well Crap


Bob, my bro in law that ive been working for, cant find a job and so has given up that fight. he is going to be a stay at home dad. what does that mean to me? well the end of my full time possition. you win some you lose some. LOL it was a great job for teh 2 weeks. He said he is going to divide the hours between us but then it sounded mroe like the end. he said that he will watch kass during teh week then kristeen will on the weekends. if they ever need to go anywhere on the weekend though they will call me which will be a few extra bucks for us.

Ah well.

I am getting cranky FAST so I should go do soemthing I guess. :P

Hi Ho Hi Ho Its Off To Work I'll Go

And donavan is going to Betty's! It shall be a peaceful day today with Kassidy. I am going to bring a movie, possibly Rent to watch and off we go. She loves music so what could be better than a musical, right?

It is raining, shold be refreshing walking to bobs. Put on a little music and off I shall go.

Late night last night for Donavan, he just didnt want to go back to sleep. Late night for me, I didnt want to put down my book until it was over. I hate being tired but I love staying up.

I think that poor rocky needs some exercise, he is starting to crack. Getting hyper and running around going after the kids. As soon as the rain stops I am going to have to take him out for a bit.

Samara has a cough, Donavan a runny nose and I think I am on the way to runny nose too, but mine is sleep deprived I am thinking.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

First Blog, New Laptop

Yep, finally got one, only took FOREVER... sheesh.

Waiting for Glee to come on in ohhhh 3 minutes.

Got my nails done today, theyre so pretty and shiny. If I dont ever do anything for myself I think I should do this occassionally. Feels pretty and hasnt chipped. LOL


Finally bought a lamp for the livingroom, I love it and it was only 24.00$

Also got a slowcooker. I cant wait to start making our meals with it. I am going to make a good list for groceries and get slowcooking soon!

Van is at the garage. I am praying for good news! The fuel pump hat I had is no good so he is going to have a looking for a used one.

I just really want to bite at the gel on my nails!!! lol.

I cant wait for more nurse jackie! Funniest show EVER.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Excited In The Geekiest Way!

I have been a member/ lurker on fansecrets for awhile on LJ.

I finally have a secret! Cant wait to make it and post it to see what people think! (ill post it here too even though Kevin will make fun of me forever for it.)

Ah well.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

10 Minutes to Leaving

I am starting for Bobby today and hauling Donavan along with me. I packed us a lunch (sandwiches) and I am going to pack my guy a few toys and things to do. Hopefully he will behave reasonably! Bob is going to be there today so he can help anywhere that I am confused. Basically my job entails ALOT of talking to Kassidy. I figure I'll do a great job haha.
I am leaving in 10 minutes so I guess I should go and do what I need done for teh day. Basically I an going to fold the laundry from the dryer and put it away then attempt a couple dishes and soak some more...

Wish me luck :)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

There Goes A Piece Of My Childhood

I am really sad about Patrick Swayze. When it first came out that he had Cancer I resigned myself to the fact that he was going to die but to hear that he actually did is a bit of a shock. I was sad when Michael Jackson died (yes controversial) and even when Farrah Fawcett did but wow, Patrick Swayze was my first crush... He was even my first favourite actor before I knew what favourite actors even were.

Time to start collecting his movies I guess... :(

Monday, September 14, 2009

What to Say?


Maggies finally started today! I loved the bunch there today, hopefully it stays with this type people HAHA.
Yes I am a snob. Whats it to ya?




Donavan is calling for lunch. he is HUNNNNNGRY. his favourite word. I am cleaning and playing on the computer. How? you ask?

Clean a bit, computer, clean a bit cxomputer. You see how it goes.

Samara is at school. I am PRAYING for a good afternoon today. If they dont start getting along I am not sure what I am going to do. But it cant keep going like this.

She needs to get better with mronings. I packed ehr bag this morning and set it on the kids table while she put on her shoes. Told her to grab her bag when she is done. Halfway to school I looked over and no bag. Hurray.

I am waiting for friday so that I can pay everything and get groceries. LOL. Today I need to think of somethign to bake for school snacks. Some sort of cookie but what... dun dun duuuunnn.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Just So Happy

We are officially not broke again as of next week. Family allowance marks us actually having a bit of money finally! YAY

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Yes I am Blogging Again.

Housetraining is going great. The only time I am having a problem with so far is early morning. He pees right away but doesnt poop for a few minutes. today was the second day in a row where I took him, tried to wait and he pooped in the house in the end. Samara said she wouldnt mind taking him in the morning so voila a solution. And maybe a good responsibility for her?

Just called my friendly local dog sitter who is working right now. Friday is my last day at the wandlyn working (more on that later). Rocky is so young and constantly talked to while someone is home that as soon as noone is home he cries and cries. It would be so sad for him to be home all day friday (from 8:30-9ish until at least 3) with noone to take him out and at least keep up a pretense of the housetraining. {which led me to stab myself in the hand while Kevin was stressing me out about it yesterday while i was stabbing potatoes to "bake" in the microwave... which caused me to freak out about all of the important stuff that i mave have punctured with my potatoe incrusted bread knife... More on that later...}

Hey its later...

So I am going to be providing childcare to my brother in law for his disabled 17 year old daughter. It is better money and I would prefer it to the manual labour at the hotel haha. I will be dealing with feeding tubes and changing her bum and exercising her and talking to her as stimulation.
It will be more flexible. I will be able to take Mr. Donavan with me. Right now bob isnt working and neice isnt in school until they get a battery for her feeding pump so it will be flexible to give him a couple hour break. Once she is in school then I will see her onto the bus at 20 to 9 then be free until 2 when it is time to get her off the bus. then until about 4.

yay me.

Monday, September 7, 2009

And His Name Is Rocky

Got a puppy, he's so cute!

If Ihad a camera cord Id take a picture to show everyone.

Cleaning is actually going well for a change. I am so excited. if not for the kids behaviours I would be happiest Ive been in forever.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


Right now I am going to go start water for oatmeal for the kids then while it is heating I will get dressed and plug in teh hair straightener. I need to get fixing my hair down pat. (yes I am insane thanks.). I will get the kids their oatmeal while it heats up. then go to town with it.

Once I get bored and admit defeat I will start cleaning.

My ultimate goal for today is all of teh clothes organized.

Lesser goal is dishes done and table cleared off.

We are having a big supper tonight of whole chicken, carrots and baked potatoes.

Before that happens I will be beating my children to death and burying the bodies.


I think I start alot of sentences like this but I really think that if my home were organized then the kids would be better behaved.

I need to take inventory of the little people stuff. Thats first to go. noone plays with it beyond throwing it around. I am going to pack the barbies in the shed too. Samara cant handle having them in her room neatly so theyll be gone. I will be packing her pet shop animals in a little box or basket and thats all she will have. Donavan will have his trucks in a basket. In the living room will be mega blocks. I like blocks and theyre easy to clean up.

Christmas is in 3-4 months which means I have that long to suddenly decide that the kids deserve new things. I plan on staying in control of xmas this year. listing what I buy and what I intend to get for everyone. I already have ideas for Kev but I cant buy for him until last minute becuase he might randomly decide at anytime that he wants XXXXXXXXXX and buy it.

I would like to watch a movie today too... and possibly some outdoors time for the kids.

GUess I should get to it.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Actually it would be impossible to pinpoint.

I think if I won a million dollars I would feel better... LOL. Instantly.


(Though I'd feel good)...

gooder even...

We are going to get a laptop soonish (as soon as I can justify it... LMAO) and then I will no longer have the "what are the kids doing behind me or in the other room" problem... Ill have eyes everywhere.

I JUST WANT MY OWN COMPUTER... personal size. is that a crime? really? didnt think.

I also want my very own owned home. That would be great. Preferably in the valley... Becuase I love it there...

I would visit and people could come for the weekend and visit me. Picture it. lovely isnt it?
I think I would be happier that way.

I would be ALOT happier if the van was running. And my list was done.

list, you ask?

I make alot of lists...

  1. fix van
  2. samara totally outfitted for school plus her fees paid in full and milk ordered and pictures paid for
  3. a couple hundred dollars to buy kev sneakers and myself and the kids new clothes
  4. a new pet. HINT HINT... allowed by the landlord..
  5. another bedroom
  6. a clean house
  7. a dishwasher
  8. a laptop
  9. a day off everyweek from evil children
  10. an evening off every 2 weeks even...

Lets stop at 10...

so my steps to it:

  1. Call the mechanic person my friend knows and see if he will work on the van
  2. doing it Tuesday I just hate not being prepared, i shoiuld be and in my world there is NO EXCUSE! I AM DISGUSTED WITH ME ON THIS.
  3. Save adn perhaps in october? Though Kev needs shoes before that because all he has are flipflops.
  4. mwhahahahhahaha I have an action plan.
  5. save our money then when visa is paid off start searching.
  7. Once we have another bedroom I am planning on having room for a dishwasher then GETTING ONE.
  8. Ill squeeze it in.
  9. I am going to call the day care again and AGAIN inquire.
  10. Once the van is ready again Ill work it out.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

All I Want To DO Today!

Go through clothes, get them put where I want them, Finish laundry, and GET CAUGHT UP ON DISHES!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Well I had to beat them buttttt......

The whining screaming and fighting stopped. Actually I didnt beat them per say, just put them in their bedroom and told them not to come out until they could stop. And then I informed someone that there would be no school if she didnt start acting like a big girl and not a baby like her brother.

Once again I am at a loss with these children.

I had plans for the day... I need to hit the school and fill out a little paperwork, walmart for her sneakers for school (thursday) and then superstore. I have $30 to get her in school, buy some stuff for a few days of lunches and buy the centers to a few meals to tide us until payday on the 8th. Can I do it? Who knows but it will be cutting it close. I need 3 big bottles of pasta sauce for chili then pasta sauce another day. I need a can of pizza sauce for a pizza and I need potatoes, carrots and a can of corn for soup plus a meal with mashed potatoes. Plus a litre of milk (cause that's all I will be able to afford right now.) Kev wants a bottle of pepsi but thats only after everything else.

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