When we do, we try to do good...

Saturday, January 31, 2009


Blog blog blog blog bloggy blog blog blog.

Well Ive been creating lately and feeling awesome about it. (Plus alot of reading).

Tuesday I bought the next book in my Southern Vampire Series. I re-read the first one again (Dead Until Dawn) and then followed directly by teh next one. (Call me Henri, I have finished number 2!!!!) I am dying until I can get the next ones... Seriously, if jackass miraclulasly pays me afterall I am buying them. (Because I deserve it, right???)

Few days ago I crochet'd a baby girl beret. It is so fricking CUTE. I cant wait to start one for Samara. I also made (am making) a pair of handwarmers. First time ive ever followed a knitting pattern. I was touch and go with purling so it was start and stop to begin with... But I managed to actually finish one then start on the second (ME! who never finishes anytrhign!!!!) The second is actually almost done.

Samara had a cute funny moment today. She and I watched Dante's Peak. All through the movie she kept saying that she thought so and so would die. and so and so and so on... then when the movie ended adn everyone was okay (cept the nanny...) she said, "I knew it would be a happy ending..." Umm no kid... you thought they were all going to die slow deaths. She was saying how volcanos are only make believe and happened a LONG LONG time ago... I figured it was a good time to teach her a little about earth so I told her there were volcanos in other places... She asked me where... I couldnt think of anywhere right then so I said I didnt know... and she promptly informed me, "thats because they happened a LONG LONG time ago..." Well duh. She is so funny to watch movies with.

We watched Gran Turismo the other day. It was an awesome movie. WATCH IT!!!! (lol) Troy is coming over tonight adn I guess theyre watching it again. LOL. I am waiting to watch pride and glory (or whatever)

Friday, January 30, 2009

Friday Fill Ins

Join the fun!

1. I'd really like ___take a lonnnng nap__ right now.
2. __FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!___ is the word you'd most often hear me say if I stubbed my toe.
3. Possession is __the foundation of a sickly relationship___.
4. ___fuck__ Captain Jack Sparrow. (see the mood I am in)
5. Marshmallows and fire go together like __salt and pepper___.
6. ___She goes__ on and on.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to __cards with Kev___, tomorrow my plans include __a treat, I hope___ and Sunday, I want to ___relax__!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A Blog... Not a Baby one Either.

So APARENTLY I havent been blogging enough and what I do turn out is just "baby blogs". LOL. Well here is a real live one.


Yesterday I finished the cloth diaper I was makign for Donavan. It turned out great. Next one I will make longer though, maybe then he wont be able to pull his penis up and over. Besides that magical phenominon the diaper was a success. and super awesome if I do say so myself. I will post a picture when it comes out of the wash. (I just have to sew around the button holes.) I think I am going to try my hand at a rag quilt next :):)


All if pretty well. I am trying to sleep train Donavan and it isnt going BADDD. I took the mattress out of his crib. Samara was invited to a birthday... the mother of the child is extreamly annoying. I am hoping that it will be a party I can drop her off at. LOL.



I bought 3 dozen or more historical romance novels at salvation army last week. I am in smut heaven.

I am currently playing virtual villagers. oh how fun...


I ahve to go clean before i am driven nuts by donavan trying to eat wierd things... Like a big banana hairclip...

Monday, January 26, 2009

Things That Annoy Me

I am having an irritated day today.

Got my fabric project done. Prototype flannel diaper is done and on the baby. It is an ex[eriment in how I could make it better. I think it is pretty darn good. Sewing machine is annoying but Ill suffer until someday I can afford a good one :)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Yes... Yes I Did Stay Up Too Late Finishing My Book...



I am super tired and waiting for the coffee to heat up so that I can super drink it. Not regular drink... super drink.

The fight not to scratch my neck is going OKAYYYY not awesome. I need to be more Jedi-Ninja and less itchy person.

The kids are watching alvin and the chipmunks... or Elbert as samara calls him. LOL.

Not much else to report. Im tired as hell.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Friday Fill-ins (A day late... sorry)

Courtesy of Friday Fill-Ins.

1. Oh, I am so __ITCHYYYY_And_sore_!

2. __multiple (?)___ changes, big and little.

3. During ___the next few months__, I _would like to lose some weight____.

4. ___Go to the dr again so soon?!?!?__; are you kidding me???

5. Right now I'd like to be __sleeping___.

6. ___my electric can opener MWAHAHA__ is my favorite gadget.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to __relaxing___, tomorrow my plans include ___finishing the bathroom__ and Sunday, I want to __Clean the kitchen as well___!


Donavan woke up, got out of bed and out of the room without me knowing last night. Kev was in Samara's bed and he corralled the little bugger back. I dreamt that I was in a terrible mood and when I went to check emails my keyboard was different and I was freakingout. Maybe this is my subconsious telling me to calm down? Im trying!!! GEESH.

Samara went to Sherry's last night. Ive been having such a problem with her lately with defiance. I dont know what to do. She brought her book order form to me the other day and asked if kev and I could buy her this my little pony 2 book pack that comes with a little unicorn. It is 12.99. I told her that if she was a verryy good girl until next thursday (7 days from that day) then we would get it. very good girl means no more than 2 strikes A DAY. And she has to listen and follow what she knows are the rules. I was making muffins the other night adn she wanted to help. I asked her to watch the bowl didnt fall over while I was measuring other ingredients. She wanted to pour the milk so I gave it to her. She poured it and then she grabbed the wooden spoon and tried to stir it. The bowl tiped, pouring molasses mixture all over and in teh washer and her library book (one of the only plugs in teh kitchen is over the washer so thats where I mix). I was so frustrated but getting angry and punishing her doesnt work. So i sent her straight to her room and cleaned up. When I started the muffins again I wouldnt let her in the kitchen. I think maybe not being allowed to watch was better punishment that yelling.

I started really paying close attention to what I eat the other day using sparkpeople. Thursday I did great adn finished with calories etc to spare. Yesterday I went WAYYYYYYY over. Mind you i didnt worry too much. The didnt have a listing for plain ol chicken strips so I picked one out of the list and they didnt ahve one for penne noodles so again I picked one. And I plan on rocking the eating today!

Ive done some research and I am pretty sure I have Neurotic Excoriations. Ask me how I like that. I really dont want to medicate but if it doesnt get better or I dont get betetr self control I am going to have to go fight for a prescription. The last time I did this it was my stomach and the dr insisted it was change of weather dry skin... Before it was my stomach... Who gets dry skin on thier belly? Now it is the sides of my neck. It is to the point where my necklace is irritating me but i am not goignt o take it off. I really want to stop through the power of my MINNNNNDDDDD. MWHAHAH. Yeah, whatever.

Fricking cat is still puking. WHYYYY MEEEE. If she doesnt stop im going ti ahev to break down and take her to teh vet... but if idiot with an I doesnt pay then I realllly cant afford it right now. Henri suggested taking her in and paying teh extra 80 bucks and getting her fixed. Saves the cost of the office visit but she is so dehydrated that I dont think she would be up foir surgery. ANd then to add insult to injury Valentine was hairballing yesterday. My cats are assholes.

Donavan is shitty so I must go. BLeahc. At least he isnt puking I guess.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Ughhhh Tired

Little known fact. I cry ALOT when I am over tired... I am like a freaking 4 year old...

I am ready for a teary day today.

And very very very angry. Very angry.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Note To Self Tomorrow


Find a food journal...


Saturday, January 17, 2009

Saturday and all that Jazz

It was a year this month (Early January) that Donavan had surgery on his skull to remove the Epidermal Cyst. Scary time. He was 6 months old. This is his after surgery with his cute roommate at the IWK, Brookelynn. She had had surgery to make her achillies tendon longer a dayor 2 earlier.

More cleaning. Another day a doller less. Ugh...

I am really into reading historical romances again right now and I think after I finish the one im reading now I only have 1 left AHHHHHH.

I got a ton of laundry done yesterday. Slightly more to do today. Fricing bathroom sink clogged last night. Yuck.

Kev is home today and tomorrow and we are flat broke. Never a fun way to be. I am okay with relaxing but he is so wanting to do something but cant decide what. AND WE DONT HAVE THE MONEY FOR IT.


I am so excited about next week. I love having plans. Monday is maggies then I think were walking with tara. Drs appt for donavan and I after lunch. Donavan needs his 18 month needles. I need a refill on birth control before i run out.

Watched Mirrors last night. It was actually pretty good. Not as scary as i thought though (But what ever is?).

Friday, January 16, 2009

Friday Fill-In

Brought to you by: http://fridayfillins.blogspot.com/

1. Enough with the __fricking COLD___.

2. ___Kevin__ causes me to be conflicted.

3. I've been craving __Jalapino and Cheddar Doritos___.

4. __Donavan on the phone___ makes me laugh.

5. I wish I could go to __someplace warm___ next week.

6. _money____ has been on my mind lately.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to __maybe watching a movie___, tomorrow my plans include __doing nothing___ and Sunday, I want to ___sleep in or take a nap.__!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

15 Minutes Until I Have To Go And Get Samara Again

HOLY FRICKING CRAP it was COLD this morning. Poor Donavan Hates the cold.

The new neighbor came up first thing this morning to ask that we try to keep the kids from running as much as possible. She was very nice about it and she came back with an orange columbia jacket for samara. SCORE. ;) She needed a new jacket. Hers wasnt warm at all.

Iris picked donavan and I up. we walked teh stadium a bit then I borrowed her skates and totally went skating for the first time in forever. IT WAS SO FUN. I forgot how much I LOVE skating. Didnt even fall. (though there were some close calls.) I cant wait to go again!!!!!!!!!! Ill bet I ahve some sore spots tomorrow!!!

A friend of mine and fellow blogger has decided to stop blogging which makes me sad. She and I dont really talk much but before I could read what was new in her blog.

I found 2 old friends's (haha punctuation police.... and a spell checker please?) blogs. Theyre awesome people. I added them to my blog role on teh side there. Jenn Walker was my very best friend in Ontario and she was my very best friend after I moved. We fell distant a few years ago which broke my heart but it was my fault (Ill take the blame). She was supposed to come to NS and stay over on her way to somewhere else and stay with us (I was pregnant with Samara and living with my parents). It was all planned until my parents decided that that week would be a great week to go to the valley 6 hours away and go to Upper Clements Park. It would be cutting it close (we would be home like, the DAY before Jenn and her mom got here.) But at 17/18ish I had no say in the matter and that was that. Well low and behold my family had such a great time at upper clements they decided to stay an extra day. You can imagine how I felt. I had spent the WORST day of my life (Picture it: at an amusement park and the only ride youre allowed on is the paddle boat while your whole family goes on the rollercoaster adn floom over and over leaving you on a bench...) THEN when you survive that being told that it was decided that the family vacation was more important than what I had going on in Amherst the next day and so I was stuck there. I was so embarrassed over my family screwing my friend that I never really REALLLLLY sought Jenn out to apologise to her and her mother.

And so Jenn (If you ever actually read my blog) I AM SO SORRY FOR 6 YEARS AGO!!! And I understand if you were mad at me.

And so I have to go get Samara...

Everyone go check out Jenn and Mark. Theyre awesome (or they were in 6th grade... keep it up guys!!!!)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Oh Wow

Found another OLLLLLD friend on FB, one of my favourite childhood best friends (Right there with Jenn Walker from the year in Ontario!) Robin and I were friends in Dartmouth where I lived when I was 6-7. I remember her mother loved Bingo and she would take us to the hall with her and we would go to the Wendy's next door and get cups of water adn put all the free condiments in it and dare each other to drink it. I fell and skinned the HELL out of my knee on one of those excursions and BOY was my mother PISSED to know that we at 6-7 were allowed to roam free in the city while Robin's mother played Bingo.


She is the only friend I remember bathing with. LOL. and I still have a glass cat she gave me.

Terry had brought home glass cats for laura and I and Ryan had gotten ahold of them and smashed them together. mine broke and I was so upset. The next time I was at Robins she gave me one off her shelf in her room. She had the coolest room with a Beauty and the Beast bed set.

Monday, January 12, 2009


THERE ARE THINGS I WANT TO DO but i dont want to carry them out.

Meal plan for 1. Im going to do it NOW.

My Day From Beginning To End

I asked kev to get me up before he left at 6:30 in the hopes I wouldnt sleep in... Slept in. Got up at quarter after 8. Got the kids fed and ready to go by 8:45. Tara gave me a lift to Maggie's, dropped Samara off on the way. Maggies was normal :) Jennifer brought in a fake leather jacket that I scored LOL!!!!! Walked afterward at teh stadium with Tara. Shot the shits and all. LOL. 20 laps as usual. I really enjoy walking up there. Anyone know the hours the stadium is open to walk? Ill have to check for curiousity sake. Anyone walking tomorrow? I dont think Tara is, she has date night tonight. Maybe if nothing is happening tomorrow and it isnt FREEZING ill walk up. I just so hate pushing teh stroller through the snow. Have I said that yet? LOL.

Got 2 phone calls while I was gone. First from the school... I was thinking GREAT. Samara has Lice. Awesome. (It wasnt about that, It was just her homework book that we had forgotten). The second was from the lady I had been councelling. She was thanking me for my wonderful information :D:D GO ME. That was really wonderful :)

Had left over pasta with donavan for lunch. Did Turbo Jam 20 minute workout. I think tomorrow I am going to try another one. Make myself a schedule and mix it up :):) I am going to make a meal plan too, tonight, because YES!!!! Kev gets paid tomorrow.

Picked up Samara, Kev came home, Made MORE PASTA for supper. LOL. I ate a LITTLE bowl of it. I had english muffins (2) with jam while I was waiting.

Now I am going to play on here while I wait for 6ish. The I will bath the babies.

Yes I am Trashy BUT

So I like http://perezhilton.com doesnt mean I always or ever agree... and I am getting more and more disgusted over his "Fat" comments. Today he had pictures of stars in tehir fancy dresses and then called Jennifer Lopez out for a small roll over her hip. NOT EVEN A ROLL. SHEESH...

Its like teh song big girls or whatever by Mika then the video has NORMAL sized women in it. UGH.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

OWIE Can't Type

WOW. Had I known my arm would be this sore I would have stopped boxing yesterday. I cant even lift it to type. OUCHIE.

Maggies place tomorrow FINALLY. I ahve been waiting forever for this. LOL. We shall see how it goes. I am also very excited about walking the stadium with Tara. I missed it the last 2 days.

I took teh weekend off from Turbo Jam. I figure the days kev is off I will take off too (to avoid being made fun of by a big meanie.) I am just waiting to find out what days he has off this week. I am going to dedicate tomorrow to my meal plan (Once I am home). I need to find a pencil for Samara's homework too. Ugh. LOL. I thought I had one but aparently not?

I dont know what else to say, really...

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Nothin worse


I hate having idead and not enough money to carry them out. Lemme tell you, it sucks.

I ahve 2 rugs on teh go that are at a standstill for lack of teh funds to get wool right now. Ive had a beautiful idea for another rug that has been stewing forever becuase i dont have the cash for wool for it (plus i dont have enough burlap right now...)

And now sherry got me a sewing machine for xmas (small one) and ive been wanting to try quilting for a long time but again i dont ahve the cash for material right now.


I keep telling myself we will be caught up in march (over and over) but when you have concepts and ideas waiting it is so hard to be patient. Its like being pregnant and wanting to meet your baby... expect I want to meet a few rugs and a beautiful quilt.

I am always thinking about opening and etsy shop for fun, and I often think about opening a little ebay store for used books (so many pass my hands you see) but I never actually go through with it... Maybe I should? But would it cost me mroe than I make? and there are 53 million people plus doing this... what would set my little webspace apart? I get so overworked with details.

Ill make it my mission today to look into these things... MUST DOOOO.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A Thought For Your Evening

Books are the carriers of civilization. Without books, history is silent, literature dumb, science crippled, thought and speculation at a standstill. I think that there is nothing, not even crime, more opposed to poetry, to philosophy, ay, to life itself than this incessant business.
Henry David ThoreauUS Transcendentalist author (1817 - 1862)

So for crying out loud READ A BOOK!

So freaking cool

While bored today on Facebook I searched a few old names and sent a message (or 2 LOL).

Totally got a reply back adn she REMEMBERS ME!

This isnt a high school or jr high thing. This is Greenwood, 1994, I was 9 and she was the first in a long long long lonnnng line of children I would be told I couldnt play with. Celisha was a "bad Influence" and I didnt listen when I was hanging out with her. Oh and she gave my sister "the finger". Laura tattled, we lied, etc.

It was a crazy thing.

It was all:

me: Odd question but did you ever live in Nova Scotia?

her: Hi Lisa!!! Greenwood! its been a LONG time.

Is anyone else AMAZED when people they remember remember them?

and am I self imported becuase I think I am the only person with the mental capacity to remember old friendships?

Bah, Still excited!

Got 20 Minutes, Might As Well Blog

Yesterday was great. Took Samara to school then headed to teh stadium and met Debf or some walking. We superduper walked then Tara came and we slowed the pace for her. Deb left and Tara and I continued ona few laps. More walking today. Little birdie told me Henri and Deb would be there. (actually henri told me over teh phone and i just read deb's blog LOL). Tara is coming to get Donavan and I in about 20 minutes. I HAVE NO WATER BOTTLE damn it! There is NOTHING in my house even remotely like a water bottle in fact. If my GST ever came I am going to put some cash out on a good one. (any suggestions?)

Donavan is freaking out in teh kitchen. He was up before 7 this morning. Little brat.

Speaking of Brats, Samara has not stopped. She has decided suddenly that she is the boss and we are all just mean. Back talking and being disrespectful constantly. She went to bed last night at 6pm and got up in the same mood. I found somethign that worked this morning. I told her if she said 1 more rude, disrespetcful thing or talked back I was taking her "lady" away. Lady is her favourite stuffed toy. She stopped and didnt say another rude thing all morning (after teh mrning from hell literally.) I told her she had to go clean her room after school and if she didnt then I was taking Lady for that. And if she kept going it would be crawling doll the next day then rudolph and so on and she would earn tehm back on days she wasnt rude.

Ill let you know how it goes after school.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Lisa aged 15

How about something to forever change your mind about reading my blog

My legs are so freaking hairy right now it scares me. If not for my resolution to be more feminine and "pretty" this year (at least make effort) I would totally take a picture and show anyone who accidently ended up here! BUT since it is not nice to brag that I have the hairiest legs on the block (men included) I wont.

I was going to shave tehm last night in teh bath but then I got cramps and my period officially started finally I had to debate the whole sitting in the tub on day 1 of the automatic (but always late) removal of my uterine lining. (gee when I put it like THAT....). Needless to say I skipped.

I could shave them in teh shower tonight buuuuut
A) My last razor is JUST sharp enough to tackle armpits-groin, not quite up to the task of my legs. and
B) I do NOT ahve the balence to shave them in teh shower standing. There I said it. I am a freaking clutz when it comes to anythign not JUST STANDING ona slippery surface. (Like teh bathtub).

Well My rotten ROTTEN toddler is BITING MY CAT so i have to get off the computer and BEAT HIM. (metaphorically)

Must go chase somebudy out of teh cat food.


1. What did you do in 2008 that you’d never done before? Ummm? Stayed at the Wandelyn in Amherst.
2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? Lets say no to teh first and the second I will make teh usual ones, lose weight, eat better, do something good, etc and add be a better girlfriend and mother. LOL.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth? A good friend did ;) (way to go Lacy)
4. Did anyone close to you die? Nope.
5. What countries did you visit? Canadaland
6. What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008? MONEY
7. What dates from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? No real new ones I don’t think.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? Getting Samara into big kid school
9. What was your biggest failure? NO FUCKING CAR AGAIN.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury? Not really. The flu once. Some sore muscles from Wii boxing
11. What was the best thing you bought? Um? Christmas gifts probably... 2 pairs of gorgeous earrings.
12. Whose behavior merited celebration? No ones. Everyone had their meltdowns.
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? Everyones!
14. Where did most of your money go? Crap. We’ll fix that this year with a good budget.
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about? Family reunion at Iris’s
16. What song will always remind you of 2008? I don’t really listen to music like that... maybe don’t close your eyes. HAHA kev says thats our song. (cause hes a jerk)
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:a) happier or sadder? I don’t know?b) thinner or fatter? THINNER by 5-7 lbs
c) richer or poorer? about the same
18. What do you wish you’d done more of? Being nicer
19. What do you wish you’d done less of? Spending money on crap we didn’t need and not buying things we did.
20. How did you spend Christmas? hommmme.
21. Did you fall in love in 2008? No, nothing new anyway
22. What was your favorite TV program? Oz I would say
23. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? No doubt. There is at least 1 person I didn’t mind last year that I recently decided was too annoying to be regarded anymore....
24. What was the best book you read? Im an idiot but it was a slow year for good books... parts of the twilight saga and dead by dawn.
25. What was your greatest musical discovery? The musical wicked
26. What did you want and get? The aliens boxset
27. What did you want and not get? A RINGGGGG :P (shitheads) and an alarm clock. I never ever get anything i want L
28. What was your favorite film of this year? I don’t know... was 30 days of night this year or last??? Really liked that... PS I love you (again this year or last?)
29. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? 23 and i cant remember so it couldn’t have been that exciting L
30. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?better behaved children
31. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008? Whatever as usual
32. What kept you sane? Nothing at all. The possibility of unconditional love?
33. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? That guy from ps i love you. LOL
34. What political issue stirred you the most? Sarah palin
35. Who did you miss? My buddy who was dumb and moved to springhill like an idiot.
36. Who was the best new person you met? Leon.
37. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2008. Have your own opinions and defined tehm!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Feeling Kinda Offensive

I dont offend people all that often, I am such a good person and all so I thought I would start some controvercy.


How's that?

Anyone who says they "dont read" are too lazy to hold the book upright and too unimaginative to lose themselves in a story.

Get reading jackasses.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Safe To Say

Coffee keeps me up at night.

I had such a hard time getting to sleep last night. Then extra early this mornign I was up. pluuuey. of course that meant that donavan was up extra early and was a little off. ugh. cranky kid for the day, just what ive always wanted.

I plan to dedicate today to launrdy first of all and secondly finding that stinking bankcard. I had a dream last night that the bank decided to revoke my over draft with my rent money in there leaving me with 150 toward rent instead of 650. See why I dont leave money in teh bank? Makes me paranoid.

It was freezing out here when I got up this mroning. (pretty lame statment but whatever...)

What else should I blog about?

I kind of feel like typing if only to avoid having to go get dressed when I still want to be in bed. oh, do i want to be in bed, what I wouldnt give to be in bed....

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Word From The Underground

So my landlord juts called to say he was coming to town to get my neighbors rent and he could pick mine up and save me the trip. I told him The i didnt have it right now becuase I cant find my bankcard.

"Well you must have an untidy apartment then..."



Another post on my losing a shitty piece of stupid shitty shit.

Can find my bank card today friends.

Just thought id let everyone know.

Friday, January 2, 2009

All About The Good Intentions...

I always MEAN to write poinient (spelled funny of course), interesting, and funny blogs but by the time I get here I am too damned lazy. Right now I am having baby cuddles so it is freaking hard to type. But my little heathen doesnt have time for me anymore so I ahve to take them where I can get them. (I think he is only over here becasue A) he is nude, B) I am wearing his dad's new robe and most important c) the robe is soft on his nekked bum. (see how c makes it less odd? yeah me neither).

Is it so bad that I encourage nudity in my babies? I know I feel gross if I wear a maxi pad for a week, poor babies stuck in thick diapers constantly ;) Yes babies pee adn poop but by donavan's age its not like they do it constantly. And I have Samara to tell me when he goes. (She is all upo on teh hosuehold news).

Hard to believe it is 2009 already. I am still writing 1999 when I write the date. That is scary.

It is Friday, Kev is back to work tomorrow, Samara back to school Monday. Monday I ahve to get my ass up extra early, bundle both children adn walk her to school. Save me.

Lets end on a painful note.

Last week I was playing with donavan while he was relaxing on teh couch. He grabbed me by the back of my hair and pulled me down (I thought for kisses... Nope). He straightened the oehter hand and WHAP DROVE his fingers up MY NOSE. Talk about POURING blood. My eyes were watering my nose was gushing adn I was laughing from the agony of it. Dont try it at home...

Beat that for the horrible treatment you get at home. (If youre goign to step up to teh challenge though I think you should note that not even an hour after I got a phone call and instead of passing it to me or putting me on the ready, Kev threw teh phone in a funny way, making it land, end down, on my shin bone as i laid on teh couch. Mean. (Did you like my commas?)

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