When we do, we try to do good...

Monday, June 30, 2008

Finally the Booger Has Returned

And no... I dont mean the flu...


My baby finally came home last night around 6-7. I was super happy to see him... he wanted to stay with Brenda... *sigh*. Once she was gone and he and I had a cuddle on my bed in my new "room" he was much better... In my bum but better. Kev and I watched Romeo Must die. I ahve 10000 BC for later tonight. Samara was at a sleepover at sherry's but wanted me so sherry brought her home around 9-9:30. Then she had a little fit. (she wanted to sleep with me but that was out of the question completely.) Donavan went to bed really well (we cuddled in his new room). He didnt wake up until 4am then i gave him a bottle and put him back... he wasnt into it so i went in with my blanket and cuddled him in the recliner. he slept on me until aout 9:30 the next morning. What a cutie pants.

Samara is at sherry's now and kev and I are walking up with the little guy ina little bit for lunch. Corn on teh cob and macaroni salad. YUM.

I cant wait to go...

Now onto the smelly butt that kev said is waiting for me in the playroom... ew.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

First Night, Half Room

I am SO tired. I couldnt fall asleep last night for the life of me. It was our first night aleeping in the diningroom. I havent cornered it off yet so I am going to continue to call it that. LOL.

The kitties are freaking nuts. Peepers got on the bed with us a few times. I locked her in the kitchen then Val started meowing and going stupid.

I plan on cleaning the bedroom today in anticipation of my baby coming home very soon. I am SO ready to have him back!!!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Getting "'er" Done

FINALLY I have made some sort of progress on my project for while Donavan has been gone... (Yes, he left Tuesday and Yes, today is Saturday). Shame on me.

I cleaned the other half of our dining room out and today (with some help from kev) I moved out bed into it ;)

Now I am off to weave a rope with whick to hang curtains to our "bedroom". :):)

Tomorrow I shall be cleaning Donavan's room/ the play room and getting that ready for my little man and his bed to come home to meeeee ;)

Friday, June 27, 2008

In The Spirit Of Truely Kissing and Making Up...

Here are the why's of my love, lust and affection for Kevin. ;) Hold the cheese, the man himself will be reading...

Which leads us to 1...

He reads my blogs. Sure it is probably either in the hopes of this topic (haha) or more likely to MOCK ME MERCILESSLY. But nonetheless.


(Can't think of anything... Sorry Kev...)

His take charge way of pushing the stroller. Way manly :):) I would almost call it sexy ;)


Helpless as a baby kitten... Case in point... BIG FIGHT last words said doors shut firmly... and he sticks his head back in to ask ME where HIS hat is... (I am looking at it right now.)


He calls me from work ;) Because he misses me... ;)

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Sucking out

I really miss my little stinky pooper but I am resolved to him being gone everytime I look around this mess... I still havent gotten anything done!!! I am terrible! lol...



for a half hour before I relax. LOL
After my FULL half hour cleaning I am going to go run a bath, soak and read and then I am going to watch a movie. Possibly Licence to Wed.

Samara asked if tomorrow when we grocery shop I will get her a toy. I told her that I would if she behaved REALLLLLY well tonight and then tomorrow then I would. She would like a baby stroller. Score. $5.00 at Walmart. LOL.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

So hot


That said.

Brenda came and picked up my bad baby. He will be gone a few days. As usual I plan on making the most of that time. Right noiw i am cleaning the bathroom (or am I). LOL.

A woman is coming to pick up my baby clothes this afternoon then who knows ;) Hopefully my landry will be dry soon then I can hang another load. Hanging clothes blows and seeing how it is so shady back tehre it is taking forever to dry a load. BLECH. ahhhh well. the brice we pay to be eco-friendly... (see how optimistic I am)...

Oh Where Oh Where

Brenda is coming after lunch to take my boy for a few days. I miss him more and more when he is gone.

I have big plans for this few days.
Number 1. A nap.
Number 2 Scrub the bathroom

At some point I am going to get on teh changing of the rooms ;) I cant wait.

Entirely different topic... Is it ever going to be sunny??? How will I get my clothes dry???

Monday, June 23, 2008

Pretty Good Day for the Zoo

We got up first thing in the morning this morning and had toast. Donavan ran amok and Samara watched some tube... I played half a hand of Jungle Gin. A morning like any other until... DUN DUN DUN

Sherry picked us up. She dropped samara and I off at the y where i realized that I had forgotten samara's seat. CRAP. I called her back and she brought it.

We were told we were going with Camden's Dad. We all piled into his van and off we went. Got to the zoo and were given our instructions... off we all go and meet back at some time... (what time? noone knew... LOL)

We came we saw we concurred... (haha smart joke.)

Thursday, June 19, 2008


This no sleep sucks.
I would like to have a positive thing to right in here but when you are this tired its impossible... The past few nights I have been ready for bed at like, 8... Just teh act of stumbling across the room makes me want to hurl.

And to make matters more... fun... Samara instantly hones in on when I am tired and crabby and starts acting out in every way she can think of. Everything she knows she will get yelled at for, she does. We started today with her trying to follow me to teh bathroom. (I hate that, she is at an age now where she understands PRIVACY). then as soon as I am out she went and grabbed her balloon... and started playing catch right beside me loudly. (she knows that A) kev is sleeping in the next room and she has to be a little quiet in the dining room, and B) I hate balloons. All day yesterday we had the "discussion" In the end I told her to take it to her room...) So why go and get it as soon as today starts? Seriuosly, new day isnt new rules...
and now while I type this she has been on the couch coloring and screaming everytime donavan touches her. All I can think is that it is the last day of school for her and after monday if she acts up she can take time inher room, and if she throws a fit she can go for an afternoon nap. Yay for free afternoons.

And I just rememebred that later I ahve to take my buggy clothes off the line...


Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Well my dryer officially is broken. Son of a... gun? Ugh. Is it the Gods of power conservation at work? Or just my luck? Seems like my luck lately. It is not supposed to rain tonight or tomrrow so I will be hanging out the load that I was trying to dry, I guess. Hopefully I can work something out with a friend of mine's boyfriend who knows dryers... Hopefully.

Tomorrow is the last Snuggle bugs at maggies place. It is starting a bit later than usual and ending a bit later too, There will be a BBQ. YUM. I am so excited. LOL. I am going to miss going all summer though. Plus tehre will be no more Thursday for us becuase Donavan is going to be EAR friday and technically it is only until 1 year. :(:(

Kevs sister's bf Randy says he thinks that the dryer is just a fuse in teh basement... He will be around tomorrow to see. Pray for me... I cant spend all summer hanging clothes out that high window and bringing bugs back in. UGH.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Holy Crap.

I am SO incredibly broke.
PAINFULLY BROKE. Painfully painfully. I mean i was broke last week after paying my rent (late) and having 71.00$ to my name to get what I needed. (It didnt stretch). but now I am even more broke... NO MONEY after I get Family allowance and I would ahve to stretch it FARTHER. UGH. Holy... Now would be a great time to win the lottery.

The one good thing is that for the first time since I ahve had a powerbill my bill is completely up to date... Once I make good on my $200.00 promise for eastlink it will be down to current month's bill... and my rent is paid up... so if i manage to pay rent on the last day of the month then it will be %100 good too... but looking at where I am right now it looks like that will be late... its the only place I can rob peter to pay paul... or jim... or john... or Mary... See the pickle I am in...

I cant even think to change teh topic and cheer this blog up... its teh type of situation where all I can do is sit back and fret about how incredibly broke I am... See me fretting??? fret fret fret...
If I had 5 bucks I would buy a tv bingo card for tomorrow in the hopes and praying to win... WOW. So broke... All I can do is keep saying "next month will be awesome becuase we're all caught up".

I think I am ready for some Buddha-licious quotes now...
(lol) >.<

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Ode To Billy Joe

Ode To Billy Joe (Herman Raucher) is my all time favourite book. I havent read it in years (I'll be digging it out soon) but I still remember how it made me feel. The characters were so real it was like the dialogue was running through your head in words rather than in print. It was such an awesome take on the song by Bobbie Gentry. Listening to Sinead O'Conner's Version feeling me with rage. She just fuels all of those idiots with their interpretation that billy Joe and the narrator threw a baby off the bridge by putting the baby cry in the pinacle of the song. I shudder thinking about it. She completely kills the real meaning behind it (as Gentry herself says, "The message of the song revolves around the nonchalant way the family talks about the suicide. The song is a study in unconscious cruelty.") I believe it is best laid out in the book where Billy Joe and narrator fumble over narrators ragdoll Benjamin at the bridge. The doll falls off by Billy Joe's hand thus symbolizing the end of the narrator's innocence. If in truth they were throwing a baby (stillborn, alive or aborted) then would not her innocence have been taken before that? And then the whole story losing its point. Suddenly it is not their attitudes to suicide in the forefront of the song but rather what they threw off and were hiding.

See for yourself (If i can embed this... freaking technology...)

Happy Father's Day

It is Father's day today so Happy Father's day to all of the good fathers out there... The not so good ones? Better luck next year ;)

Samara's biological picked her up this morning. He falls into the latter category. Better luck next year I hope. They are gone to the zoo and Kevin is gone to work so it's just the little guy and I. Got some cleaning to do I guess. LOL.

Donavan's birthday is coming up soon and we still have no idea what to get him. It is driving me insane. We are going to go tomorrow afternoon and have a look. maybe something will stand out and then we can pick it up on Friday.

Samara's Preschool Graduation is tomorrow night. :):) She is such a big girl! I am not going to get her a new outfit for it (though I would like to) becuase we are so incredibly broke right now. LOL. At the end of the month we will buy her something cool for grading. :):) Big girl school is coming so soon.

Ugh... I ahve to go save my big guy from whatever he is getting into.


Saturday, June 14, 2008

A New Start

Doesnt a new blog always feel like you're starting fresh?
This is my fresh new perspective. The shiny new me.
Some random facts:
I am 23 years old but feel 17.
I am in love with the same guy i wished for when i was about 16.
I have the most brilliant 4 year old daughter.
I have the handsomest and most pixie-est week away from being 1 year old son.
I practically live at the local family resource center.
I am a breastfeeding peer support mom which means that when needed I can and will support women in the fight to breastfeed.

And now I am ging to go tidy up before my good friends and downstairs neighbors come up to visit. :)

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