When we do, we try to do good...

Sunday, August 31, 2008

So Donavan


Doodle by Lee. The code for this doodle and other doodles you can use on your blog can be found at Doodles.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I Just Dont Know What To Do.

There is something ROTTING in my house. Im not sure where but EW. I am sure it is a potato somewhere. Donavan likes to take potatoes and run with them so maybe he hid one? When you walk into my apartment all you can smell is organic mold. I bought a fancy pricey candle yesterday hoping it would help a bit but no luck. It is even worse now. It is mold with a strong sickly sweet tinge. It makes me nausious.
Im going to go through my kitchen with a fine toothed comb first. I am sure it isnt there. Im sure ti is either dining room SOMEWHERE or livingroom. Maybe trapped under the couch. I moved teh couch yesterday and swept it well under there but anything big owuld have gotten pulled along and not left there... So maybe?

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Random Thought

Valentine is so soft and fluffy. If he wasnt such an asshole of a cat I would definatly want to snuggle his fluffy shedding body... Without the shedding. Blech.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Im terrified

Samara left this morning to go to Ian's for her first sleepover THAT FAR AWAY. (Coule hours across the province). Im sure she will be fine but she gave me a little uncertain look on her way out and I wanted to scream, "NO YOU JACKASS YOU CANT HAVE HER!" And slam teh door. But I told her she would have fun and id see her tomorrow. I dont want her to suffer but a part of me wants her to be MISERABLE and cranky and CRY FOR ME the whole time shes gone.

In my opinion he only has anyhting to do with her for publicity. He poses her for loving family pictures though he only sees her every few months. he takes her to crystal palace and takes tons of pictures (ALWAYS HIM IN THEM TOO) and NEVER buys her anything. Wont \let her play the games to win anything. Last week he (and a lady friend of course) took her to moncton to see a movie. While there they went to chapters. He took her to the childrens section and posed her and himself with some toys by the kids books and took some pictures... but DIDNT BUY HER ANYTHING!?! I know she would ahve killed for the little stuffed thing she is holding and she LOVES books but nope. Didnt buy her zilch. not like hes BROKE. he has the money, just doesnt play into his plans to actually spend money on her when photo-ops are free. He even put on his FB "cant wait to show his daughter the big city". Makes me sick.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My House is Complete

Samara is home finally and Kev has the next 2 days off. It is so nice. Samara has been SUCH an incredibly good girl all day (considering she is normally a monster coming form my moher's house).
Maggies place today was about Routines and Setting them I really need to get into one. I am so personaly chaotic (sp?) that it is hard for me to establish any type of a routine.
I cant really think of anythign anic-dotal (nor can I be bothered to spell it)...
Samara has brought a new habit home... the picking of one's nose and eating it. She did it a bit ago when I was reading her story to her and I told her to, "STOP PICKING YOUR NOSE AND EATING THE BOOGERS!" Her response: "My nose was itchy." I had to ask, "And your finger was tasty?" She laughed her head off.

Donavan's new thing is to get "stuck" and yell for help. last week he put his foot in the middle drawer of my dresser (its a low dresser) and couldnt get it out. When I got over there he was hopping around laughing. The other day when I was reading donavan was yelling and kev asked where he was. I told him i had no idea so kev went to investigate. Donavan had crawled up into our dirty clothes basket and couldnt get out/ off. A few minutes ago her was yelling (In his funny hoarse voice) "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! I went looking for him and when he heardme coming her started laughting like a MANIAC. He was on my bed waiting for me. Little bugger. He fell off the other day when he climbed up to roll around and so now when he gets up he crawls to the very middle and lays there yelling until someone comes to watch his "tricks".

Ahhhh, Nice to have my whole family. Shopping trip tomorrow :)

Sunday, August 17, 2008



That said, Last night was teh second night in a row that I didnt get to sleep in my own bed at all. Bed time comes and then Donavan wakes up like clockwork.

Kev is working today so my plan is to change some kid's rooms around. Maybe if Donavan is in the back bedroom then when he wakes up at bedtime he'll be able to cry himself back to sleep without being too loud for kevin. I will put the baby monitor in there and one out here so I'll be able to hear him. Samara can have he big bedroom. Then she will HAVE to sleep there. My only real reservation about giving her that room is how close it is to my bed... I didnt want any chance of her waking up and coming out ;) But she is gone on sleepovers sometimes and I can wait for a sleepover to be noisy at night ;)
So I am off to check Facebook right quick then my little dude and I ahve some work ahead of us.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Blog the Recession


Okay I am NOT up on the computer fancy works but here is my fuddling attempt at adding a button... You know if it works everyone WILL have to push it (CLICK IT even) and see what its about.

Bloggers supporting bloggers, networking... Motherhood Uncensored's beautiful idea :D

Wish me luck with my fancy computerin'


Monday, August 4, 2008


Samara is my difficult child. She is a little alien to me. An alien that I love but a mystery never the less.

She is 4 years old. Her favourite colour is purple. She loves the movie Hairspray with Tracy in it. Goonies scared her a little. She loves to play at treehousetv.com on the computer but since im a videogame nazi she very seldom is allowed (and if she does get on it is for no more than maybe a half hour a day a few times a week maybe).

She is beautiful and smart. She loves music and singing and dancing and knows the words to an amazing number of songs.

She loves big meals with meat and potatoes and would prefer to eat at the table with the whole family.

She never smiles for pictures and if asked to she generally screws up her face and says something like, "I don't know how to smile..." which drives me nuts. If I tell her to say cheese she says mouse instead.

If I say "Ka-pish?" to her she says, "Ta Cheese."

She is a very inquisitive little thing. It scares me that she is starting school in September. On one hand having a chid in big kid school makes me feel like my life is passing me by... on the other hand I cant believe that her life is passing me by too.
I barely remember her as a baby. She cried alot and prefered to be put in her swing where she could observe and drift to sleep at will. She was a beauty (still is) with all of her long hair. Where Donavan is and was so skinny Samara was more of a puffball.

She has so much love to share. She loves her mom and dad and donavan, and sherry and my family and still has a ton of love for her "friends" and her "pets".

She is back into Lay-Tee... but now she is Lady. Lady is in bed with her right now in fact. Sherry bought her a new puppy from Pharmasave the other day and he is missing so that will be my job tomorrow... Puppy Finder. Aparently there was a little cow there that samara wanted to get for her brother but Sherry didnt ahve the money right then. They are going back friday morning to pick it up for him.

Thats Love.

A little Frightened

The campout at Iris's is this weekend and I am a little frightened. It is going to be Iris and I and my kids, Maybe Nadine and hers, Megan and Brian and their granddaughter (Ive talked to megan and brian 1x since the whole family part thing when I was a kid) and APARENTLY debbie, ashley, and derek (and maybe a cousin of Iris's and henri and them saturday night). I dont talk to Debbie or Ashley and havent seen derek in years. But I am tired of holding my hateful mother's grudge. I dont care about anything from the past at this point. Really dont.I am so overcome with present drama that I dont have time for past ills...

Advice anyone???

Sunday, August 3, 2008


SO I am feeling much better. I made a beautiful supper (and didnt burn a thing). I was a bit depressed this afternoon but after my successful supper and a great shower things are looking a bit better.


I think I just need to go shopping... Hopefully Ian's cheque should be all cleared tuesday or wednesday. Heres hoping. ;)


Yesterday was Kevin's first day at his new job. YAY. He said he had an okay day though it was long. He was supposed to start at 9 but Sherry picked him up at quarter to 8 and he started then with her. Someone called in sick so him and Sherry stayed until 6 to finish up that person's workload too. He was supposed to be off at 4. Today his shift will be from 11-6 (possibly 5?) because of people leaving after the Eagles concert.

Sherry took Samara for the night so she should be back very soon :) I told her if she was good and didn't whine at all then maybe she could call Nanny this afternoon after lunch. I am sick and tired of her obsession with my mother can you tell? GRRRR! The past 2 nights before she would go to bed and after her story it would be time for tears as she would start to bawl as soon as i was ready to hit her lights. SHHHEEEEE MISSSSESSSS NANNNNNNNYYYYY. I explained to her that she lives here with her Mommy and Daddy and brother and thats is that. No more Nanny's for awile.

Theres my girl now :)

Friday, August 1, 2008

Finally the Blog About Vacation

My vacation was AWESOME then it was over in a flash of relaxation.

When we got there we unpacked and then took a stroll to the beach. It was everyminute of the 30 minutes to get there I tell ya ;) The tide was out and so we (Kev, I and Troy) took a walk way out on the ocean floor. Iwas in heaven. When We got back we fired up the barbeque. Steak, backed potato, and veggies. YUM. When troy left kev and I took a walk to the river. It was gorgeous! We spent the days relaxing and having a few drinks. The evenings we had bonfires and chatted a bit.

We both agree'd that it was SO odd being completely alone. We are NEVER completely alone these days. There is always the computer adn xbox and we are always expecng someone to drop in.
The solitude was nice.

I will add mroe pictures later, i am uploading them to facebook now LOL.

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