SO I was just reading that on a factfinding mission for UNICEF in Sierre Leona, Salma Hyak (spelled badly of course) nursed a starving baby whos mother couldnt produce milk. Personally I think that this is an awesome and unselfish act and I am absolutly amazed. When Samara was a baby and I was first nursing I asked a few friends who were also nursing at the time if they would feed a baby that they found abandoned in the street. I was surprised at the time that not everyone would have. It is a crazy thing. A woman with the ability to nurish a starving baby with their replenishing food source, not doing so.
But then on teh otherhand if something happened and your baby was the one found would you want another woman breastfeeding it? It is easy to say, "well yes as long as she DOT DOT DOT (doesnt drink, doesnt smoke, etc)" but if your baby is found you dont have the choice to specify the DOT DOT DOT.
What do you think?
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
1 comment:
preserve life...
so hell yeah i would!!!!!
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