And I think kev will be home soon.
Went to Maggies place today for teh turkey cooking. It was yummy. Donavan had a great time. He was the only child in care so him and Heather took a walk around the track at the park across teh street.
Samara went to a farm for a class trip today So hopefully she had a great time.
Im supposed to go shopping in Halifax with my mother tomorrow, hoepfully A) the weather holds and B) she doesnt invite Laura.
Normally when something is planned she will spring laura on me last minute and i will either complain and shell tell me itll be fine, etc, etc or I wont complain but by the end I will swear never to do it again. They will gang up on me or rather against me and I will not only feel like but I will be the odd one out. Just thinking about it makes me GRRRR ish. LOL. This will be the time I will follow through on teh never again. If laura is involved I will have a magic flu that will be gone by friday. Dont doubt me. ;)
9 more minutes.
Kev called and left a message hell be coming home at 2. Im hoping hes getting a drive. Then I wont ave to take donavan and the stroller to the school. LOL.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
i love the "I must clean"...
an afterthought...
i have nothign else to do but clean...
i could shovel the driveway!!!!
awesome... wheres my shovel...
Cleaning is always an afterthought. Im trying to work it into my routine but when you dont have a routine its hard to work in new material. Its a crazy world.
I ahve no shovel and our driveway is done for us. The step on the other hand is not but I refuse for kev to do it so teh old guy downstairs can park his truck directly in teh path kev has shoveled to make it easier for me and the kids. Jackasses truck is in the way of the easier making it easier not to shovel.
Yep. pretty bitter on the shoveling.
And time to "clean"
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