You,wouldnt believe all I got done Yesterday. I almost cant believe it!
Samara's room visibly done. (all thats left is teh hell that is under her bed!!!). Her toys and Donavan's are all in there neatly. And the boxes labeled usuing our new printer :)
All the ornaments off the tree (cept the star cause it is too high haha). The living room looks like a livingroom again. All of the bags of paper and boxes are gone. (Well if i get the chance theyre in the porch waiting to be taken out.) I think kevin thinks I leave the bags out there on purpose to annoy him but really it is just too hard on everyone for me to try to sneak them outside. Especially since Donavan wont take a nap. (Beucase he is evil. too true).
Got some good information off teh net last night on creating meal plans. I cant wait to have money to get groceries and officially start. 2009 will be our year to get healthy.
Put my turkey in this morning. I wanted to put it in last night before bed (around midnight) at 250 then turn it up this mornign to finish but kev insisted that it would dry it out cooking that long blah blah blah (Becuase he has cooked a million turkeys in his days, right?) and so in the oven it went at 400 this morning. And if we all die of food poisoning I hope his case is worst and he really suffers then it WILL be "I told you so."
Got our xmas gifts from Laura last night. She got me socks and a shirt, donavan a musical cookie jar thing, Samara a movie, playdoh and a game to hook to the tv and kev a screwdriver thing. I wasnt expecting anything from them (as I am not acknowleging her as family anymore... But i guess it was a nice gesture, I am too bitter to think otherwise... Like WOW a shirt and socks! Should we take that off teh $2000 she owes me?!?!? See, bitter. Not so xmas-y, right?)
Kev got me the last 2 twighlight books for xmas. Right before I gave in and bought them figureing that they couldnt be too bad. LOVED them. Loved the first, liked the second, loved the 3rd, okay on teh 4th. I wish they didnt end and am hoping the author writes mroe, maybe on others' stories? Donno. Now to get charlene harris's whole series. MWAHAHA.
Now to go gag my shotty daughter before I am tempted to beat* her for insolence. GRRRRAWWWWWWWR.
*no I dont beat my children... just torment them... lots of torment...
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
And when you get the rest of the true blood books you will loan them to me for a small fee correct??? lol
Of course!
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