When we do, we try to do good...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Internet already!

ask me how happy I am to have the internet... Just ask!

So I am not sure whats new since the last we "spoke". I was promoted to assistant superviser at work. That means when my sil is off then i am on (about 2 days a week). It is alot more walking. I wont say mroe work cause making beds suck... but as supe I get to make other peopel's beds. Ick.

Van is up and a going. Funny noise on driver's side when you turn but we shall deal with it as it happens.

My camera was stolen the day after i got back from vacation... sadly i lost my vacay pics too. ahh well. other people posted pictures. LOL.

not much else happening.

Blog better tomorrow I promise.

1 comment:

Debra-Dawn said...

so here it is thursday.....


no blog yesterday?

are ready for back to school yet?

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