Can you honestly say that things are running smoothly for you?At the moment I guess. Im not doing anythign not to run smoothly. The computer is working and Donavan is feeding himself lunch.
If you could move somewhere else would you?Heck yeah and teh world knows it.
Are you better at math or english?English i am scared of math.
Do you know anyone named Taylor?Last name sure, first name no.
How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?Donavan MWAHAHAH. (and Kevin)
Are you friends with someone who's older than you?Yes... most of them... sorry everyone cant be 23. :P:P
In the past week have you felt stupid?constantly. Sad isnt it?
Are you allowed to stay up later than ten o' clock on a weeknight?sometimes? depends on what time kevin demands that we retire.
Do people ever mistake you for being a different race?.... member of the human race here, dude.
Do you have your baby picture in your room?no
When was the last time you visited the zoo?this summer
Have you ever gotten your nails done?sadly no. im too low maintanence.
What happened at 10AM this morning?I was at Maggies Place
Were you happy when you woke up today?As happy as a non morning person can be I guess
Do you know the words to the song on your MySpace profile?I have no song and dont use myspace.
Do you ever leave messages on people's answering machines?If I have to and I feel stupid when I do
How did you get to sleep last night?closed my eyes
Did you see the person you like today?I saw lots of likable people.
Have you kissed anyone with a name that starts with a M?Mara? HAHA
Do you have any career ideas yet?nope
Did you wake up in the middle of the night last night?nope
Which one of your friends is so cocky you almost can't stand it?me, its awful.
The person you have feelings for shows up at your house, what do you do?Ask him how his day went.
Do your parents allow you to date?sure?
Will you talk to the person you like tonight?Eventually...
How often do you get a new comment on Facebook ?occasionally
Are there any stressful situations in your life?CHRISTMAS!
Whats a word that starts with the first letter of your first name?Lion
When a friend walks out of your life, do you go after them or let them go?depends how fast theyre walking
How many months until your birthday?5.5
Which of your friends is the easiest to talk to?I dont know? All of them. We speakie the same language and all
Does the thought of marriage scare you?No. the thought of divorce does. LOL
Do you get the recommended eight hours of sleep a night?Doubt it.
How do you know the last person you were in a car with?Pretty well. Whats tehre about a 17 month baby not to know?
Where were you at 10:17 pm last night?home
Besides this, what are you doing right now?listening to music, thinking about cleaning
Will you be up before 7 am tomorrow?I hope not
Who will be the first person you call tomorrow?Noone? LOL
Did you kiss or make out with anyone in the past week?Nope. fricking cold sore.
Are you a bitch?probably depending who you ask?
What is your best friends favorite food?soft tacos, steak and potatoes, I dont know? pepsi
Would you like to put last night on repeat, and live it forever?heck no
What’s the greatest thing that happened to you today?got a card for 20% off at a hair salon?
Donna lent me a book that sounds AWESOME. Lacy brought me avon books.
How old do you think you will be when you finally have kids?Ive had 2 and plan more eventually MWAAHAH. I LOVE KEVIN.
Do you think you'll be married in 5 years?better be or else.
Are you waiting for something?a self cleaning house
What do you wear to bed?A smile
Who are you closest to in your family?Kevin and the kids, henri, iris? LOL.
Have you ever snuggled with someone you weren't dating?donavan and samara all teh time.
When was the last time you and an opposite sex hugged?hugged donavan a little bit ago. Hes a snugglebunny
Can you touch your toes?of course. do i bend at teh knee, hell yah
Do you take walks often?nope. I walk places but not in a while. fricking snow and strollers dont mix well.
Are you afraid to grow up?hell yeah. Im 5'9 already
Who were you with last night?kevin and troy. MWAHAH. not funny. they were watchign a movie while i played on the computer
Last time someone yelled at you?not long ago im sure. were screamers here
What did you do this afternoon?cleaned i hope?
Last time you were truly sad?yesterday or the day before.
What kind of mood are you in?lazy
Do you like your life as of now?somewhat ;)
Where did your last hug take place?home
Are you tired right now?kind of
Do you have any siblings?yup
What should you be doing right now?cleaning
Are you a heavy sleeper?once i get to sleep
Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months?obviously
Are looks important?somewhat ;)
Would you ever want to swim with the sharks?yes that would be neat. (with metal mesh on)
What was the first thing you did this morning?dressed the kids
do you drink a lot of water?no.
Is anything alive in your room?probably ad living in the walls.
Where will you be 2 hours from now?here
Who was the last person to sleep in your bed besides yourself?kev and donavan
Would you bang your neighbor?with a hammer? sometimes?
Whats a word to describe your relationship status?half of a relationship. the lesser half is at work.
What was going through your mind during your last kiss?dont rememebr it was forever ago
The last person who held your hand?donavan
Who have you talked to most today?donavan, karen, or lacy
Color of your underwear?bright pink
Color of your shirt?purple tank and beige crochet thing over. Im hip.
I want:a cookie
Who do you miss?samara, kev
Honestly, how many people do you have feelings for?my family and friends.
Whats your favorite season?fall
Are you a bad influence?yes, beware
Would you rather have your name or your sibling's name?mine
Do you use headphones or earphones?speakers.
Would you do anything for someone else?sure
Have you ever been called a prick?nopeHow many first cousins do you have?technically alot
Are your grades good?they were not. I was lazy and skipped alot.
Do you ever think people hate you for filling these out?nah theyre fascinated... arnt you jen??? still with me???
Does your best friend(s) have a Facebook?yup but no computer
Do you have a tattoo?yes, 4
What are you doing tonight?nothing
Do you watch Family Guy regularly?if im bored
Do you read trashy romance novels often?yes the historical ones. secret obsession.
What's the last thing you bought?bread, pop, milk, doritos, and eggnog.
What's the last thing someone bought you?kev got me a salad.
What's your favorite movie?the running man
If you were stuck in a cave and you couldn't get out, what two people would you choose to have with you?kelly and kevin
When did your family get their first computer?when i was a teenager.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
1 comment:
FIRST! All you other beeeeatches better recognize. Sister, I think math is a hoax created by the goverment, the Canadian government. Thanks. Also, did you change the name of your blog? I'm pretty sure you did. I like the snow flakes. You're a flake. I like you.
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