Ive been called out on my shortcomings as a blogger and a hooker... I could turn this into a hooking blog ;) (leave it to you to decide what I mean by THAT...)
OKAYYYY you asked for it.
So a day in my mundane life. (spelling mistakes and all).
Last night was the suckitiest night of my childbearing years.
I put donavan to bed (and samara but she goes to bed so well its not worht mentioning...) and tehn around midnight while kev and I were snuggling (JUST SNUGGLING! not hooking) Donavan woke up as usual. After about 10 minutes he was still yelling and wide awake so I went to go in and get him. I stepped in and smelled THE MOST HORRIBLE THING. I thought maybe a cat got in there and had a runny sickly poopie. EEWWWWWWWWWWWWEY.
Turned on the light and pooooor Donavan was standing at the crib bars pointing at a big pile of chocolatey puke on his bed and yelling and ewwiyyyyyeyyyy-innnngggggg. His eyes were saying "THE HELL MOMMY?!?!??" I carefully picked him up and transported him to the bathroom where i stripped his jammies and washed him down with a facecloth. Then I went in and stripped his bed, threw the blankets in the tub to be rinsed in the morning and put him in my bed. I gave him a LITTLE water in a bub to go to sleep (yes badddd mommy but at least its not milk...?) I read for a bit while waiting for him to drift off (took awhile, he kind of layed there looking at me funny. poor dude). FINALLY he fell asleep...
2 seconds after his eyes closed and his brewathing slowed he rolled over a bit and POWER PUKED!!! all over me, my bed, himself, my blankets and my pillows. OH YES.
it was AWESOME.
I ran us a bath and we had a short bath, washed his hair (thankfully mine was up and he missed it) and then got him more jammies and stripped my bed, washed teh SOAKED spot with a wet facecloth, dried it and flipped the mattress (couldnt think of anything else to do). threw down some sheets and a new blanket (not mine :(:( but none the less) and settled us back down. it was LATE... and he took FOREVER to settle down. Plus I withheld a bottle this time so he REALLY fought sleep...
7 am like clock work wasnt he up and happy, trying to escape the room. Needless to say we're not friends today.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
1 comment:
Okay, my hands are in the air. I wish you could see. YOU WIN! Puke trumps just about anything. Had he been double barreling you (both ends) then I would have felt obligated to come out and hand wash those sheets. Yuckers. I have the worst gag reflex. My eyes are watering from just reading this. Alright, go back to hooking. :)
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