Ive decided to participate in this years Nablopomo.
Basically this is how it works. Blog everyday for the whole month of November. I know, you're excited to read me EVERYDAY, right?
Now before you ask, I am not going to cheat out for today. So lets start with a bang.
Went to maggies this morning, then coffee and craft ideas this afternoon.
CANT FIND MY HOOK so i cleaned my livingroom in the hopes of randomly finding it. No sign.
Didnt get my maintence today. SERIOUSLY. Am I too trusting???? Am I such a bad person? Karma maybe? Who knows. Why do people make things uncomfortable for me??? So now i hvae to message that jackass AGAIN tomorrow to say, "i noticed you didnt pay me, were you PLANNING ON IT?" Ugh. Today I messaged hi at about 4:30 and said, "Hi, just wanted to let you know I am going to be home the rest of the evening so you can send the transfer (of funds) anytime now." Think I am too passive? How do I become more agressive slightly, and all assertive?
Oh look paris hiltons bff show is coming on. TRAINWRECK TV. Ugh she is so fake I want to barf tehn watch more.
Kevs out with troy drinkinggggg. I am here with the chillinnnnns. Sucker.
Samara is sick. attack of my parents over feeding her junk. she left with a sobeys bag of candy fresh from trick or treating and I told terry not to give her anymore than she had already had. he said only a few more and thats it. Bull. She was puking today and she puked in bed. LYING ON HER BACK. Ugh. I drilled it into her head WHEN YOU PUKE AT NIGHT ROLL OVER <> scary!
Im going to watch idiocyncricy after :) (spelled funny)
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