The whining screaming and fighting stopped. Actually I didnt beat them per say, just put them in their bedroom and told them not to come out until they could stop. And then I informed someone that there would be no school if she didnt start acting like a big girl and not a baby like her brother.
Once again I am at a loss with these children.
I had plans for the day... I need to hit the school and fill out a little paperwork, walmart for her sneakers for school (thursday) and then superstore. I have $30 to get her in school, buy some stuff for a few days of lunches and buy the centers to a few meals to tide us until payday on the 8th. Can I do it? Who knows but it will be cutting it close. I need 3 big bottles of pasta sauce for chili then pasta sauce another day. I need a can of pizza sauce for a pizza and I need potatoes, carrots and a can of corn for soup plus a meal with mashed potatoes. Plus a litre of milk (cause that's all I will be able to afford right now.) Kev wants a bottle of pepsi but thats only after everything else.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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