quick one before bed,
made some pie and "helped" my brother's girlfriend make cookies tonight. Fun time all around. I like to think she learned somethign... Like reading the recipe before you start putting everything into 1 bowl while making bowl marble cookies. LOL.
Made pie, Thanksgiving supper at my parents. Not so excited about the whole YES i didnt buy wine, Sorry. It was sunday, I went to teh store too early then was going to go back later... until I took a nap and didnt wake up until 20 to 5. sue me.
Going to crawl into bed and try to cuddle up to no doubt the cold shoulder and a few complaints about the lateness.
Watched a movie. It wasnt bad... probably wont watch it again LOL. The Flock .
Last night though we watched an AWESOME movie. (Like everyone needs to watch it! BORROW IT ANYTIME~!) It was called The Killing Gene (Or W Delta Z)... After reading a discussion on it though now I INSIST that a smart friend watch this movie to discuss it with me! The people on the forum discuss the ending (DONT READ IT UNTIL YOU WATCH), 1 person states his or her take on it and EVERYONE agrees. THEY ARE WRONG! ACKKKKKK HOW WRONG! UGH, Dumbasses haha.
I love movies like that, really edge of your seat, wondering what will happen, wondering WHY, putting the pieces together and they DONT MAKE SENSE until teh end when SUDDENLY a conversation had early in the movie makes SUCH sense and youre left thinking wow.
Honestly had I watched this movie without Kev I would ahve bawled my head off at the end... And almost did! I want to watch it again in fact so I can really ponder the ending which would MAKE me bawl.
It was that poinient (spelled a la me) and SAD!
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
1 comment:
im a samert friend....
pick me pick me...
I'll watcxh it!!!
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