When we do, we try to do good...

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Its getting closer to work time and I am getting frightened...

Im going to miss my little chimpanzee. Whatam I going to do without him to chase around trying to put a diaper and pants on to stay???


Samaras in school but I wont be there to walk ehr home... Poor baby.


My rug is almost done in happyier note. and it looks FANTASTIC. GO ME. I only have another corner of sky and a little sky in the top middle. The twig vs sky vs bird at teh bottem looks AMAZING.

I cant wait to show it off.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I felt the same anxiety when I went there. I was worried about being away from the kids all day (even if they were in school...lol)

I was going to tell you we can all walk up to maggies tomorrow but you'll be at work.
You might be on break when I get there tomorrow...so I'll see you then!! :)

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