When we do, we try to do good...

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Did I Say I Got Lots Done Yesterday?


I printed some flylady tips and went on a 15 minute per room rampage. WOW.

Well back to it. I think I am at the livingroom again now!

Monday, December 29, 2008


You,wouldnt believe all I got done Yesterday. I almost cant believe it!

Samara's room visibly done. (all thats left is teh hell that is under her bed!!!). Her toys and Donavan's are all in there neatly. And the boxes labeled usuing our new printer :)

All the ornaments off the tree (cept the star cause it is too high haha). The living room looks like a livingroom again. All of the bags of paper and boxes are gone. (Well if i get the chance theyre in the porch waiting to be taken out.) I think kevin thinks I leave the bags out there on purpose to annoy him but really it is just too hard on everyone for me to try to sneak them outside. Especially since Donavan wont take a nap. (Beucase he is evil. too true).

Got some good information off teh net last night on creating meal plans. I cant wait to have money to get groceries and officially start. 2009 will be our year to get healthy.

Put my turkey in this morning. I wanted to put it in last night before bed (around midnight) at 250 then turn it up this mornign to finish but kev insisted that it would dry it out cooking that long blah blah blah (Becuase he has cooked a million turkeys in his days, right?) and so in the oven it went at 400 this morning. And if we all die of food poisoning I hope his case is worst and he really suffers then it WILL be "I told you so."

Got our xmas gifts from Laura last night. She got me socks and a shirt, donavan a musical cookie jar thing, Samara a movie, playdoh and a game to hook to the tv and kev a screwdriver thing. I wasnt expecting anything from them (as I am not acknowleging her as family anymore... But i guess it was a nice gesture, I am too bitter to think otherwise... Like WOW a shirt and socks! Should we take that off teh $2000 she owes me?!?!? See, bitter. Not so xmas-y, right?)

Kev got me the last 2 twighlight books for xmas. Right before I gave in and bought them figureing that they couldnt be too bad. LOVED them. Loved the first, liked the second, loved the 3rd, okay on teh 4th. I wish they didnt end and am hoping the author writes mroe, maybe on others' stories? Donno. Now to get charlene harris's whole series. MWAHAHA.

Now to go gag my shotty daughter before I am tempted to beat* her for insolence. GRRRRAWWWWWWWR.

*no I dont beat my children... just torment them... lots of torment...

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Survived Xmas


I was a big cranky on christmas, many days of straight headaache will do that to you.


now xmas is over for another year, The tree is stripped (being tossed over the railing tonight!) and today the gifts will be put away. It is a beautiful life.

I WNAT TO Accomplish somehting.

I was going to write a long blog but i am bored of typing... i am so boring.


Saturday, December 27, 2008

Skipping Over the Usual Christmas Post for a Moment..

Does my son NOT look like Josh Hartnett??? What a hotty.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Oh Headache, There You Are

Well I was headache free for about 20 minutes there. What a wonderful time that was!

Holy driven nuts still.

These children are not children but rather demons form hell sent to test my resolve. What kind of parent will I be by the end of the day? Ask me again if Samara slams that bathroom door again. If she gets donavan's fingers i will magically become the parent to 1. That is where I am at this point.

I keep trying to tell myself at least we have food and warmth and gifts under our tree, many people dont have that... Ill bet that their kids apprieciate each other though... And dont fight and scream and make constant messes.

Im just listening to music and trying to clean. But I suck.

My new year's resolution will be to suck far less.

Oh Henri, Deb where are you? I need comapny and decluttering!

Mostly company... help to not kill my children teh day before xmas eve would be nice.

If I can make it the 2 or 3 hours until Ian picks up Samara then I will be almost homefree, right?

Sunday, December 21, 2008



Donavan is crabby and wont LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!

Im about to go nuts and jump off the balcony. Hopefully it would be quiet in traction.


I was up last night coughing (much better today though) so I am tired and cranky, then he is up my ass and cranky and samara is screaming at him at every chance.

I am ready to run away.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Things didnt go my way with the shopping trip. My motehr called alst night cause she couldnt go till saturday but saturday is a bad day for me so I was in a funk.

OVER IT, Just needed time.

Kev stayed with donavan so i could take samara to school and then we took donavan to his moms and went xmas shoppng. We were completely done teh kids by lunchtime. Painful money later. Xmas is but once a year though, right? ;)

All thats left is a few things for my Mr. O'Regan, somethign SMALL for ryan, sherry, and Kevs gotta shop for me. YAY finally I will ahve gifts under the tree. MWAHAHA.

We watched DeathRace tonight. It was GOOOODDD BUTTTTTTT a little rushy to the end. Youll know what I am saying once you see it. One minute movie, teh next DONE type deal.

Im finishing xmas gifts (or trying to). Everytime I think I am almost done I add somethign to it. I have a couple scarves to do, 2 rugs to finish (UGGHHHH HAHA) and A TON of knitting left.

Well back to knitting.

Wish me luck.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

15 Minutes Until I Have To Go And Get Samara

And I think kev will be home soon.

Went to Maggies place today for teh turkey cooking. It was yummy. Donavan had a great time. He was the only child in care so him and Heather took a walk around the track at the park across teh street.

Samara went to a farm for a class trip today So hopefully she had a great time.

Im supposed to go shopping in Halifax with my mother tomorrow, hoepfully A) the weather holds and B) she doesnt invite Laura.

Normally when something is planned she will spring laura on me last minute and i will either complain and shell tell me itll be fine, etc, etc or I wont complain but by the end I will swear never to do it again. They will gang up on me or rather against me and I will not only feel like but I will be the odd one out. Just thinking about it makes me GRRRR ish. LOL. This will be the time I will follow through on teh never again. If laura is involved I will have a magic flu that will be gone by friday. Dont doubt me. ;)

9 more minutes.

Kev called and left a message hell be coming home at 2. Im hoping hes getting a drive. Then I wont ave to take donavan and the stroller to the school. LOL.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The "I am too boring to blog" blog

Just that.

Just slowly getting ready for christmas. Waiting for samara to be off school so I can stop taking her and picking her up. HAHA.

And irritating my brother. HAHA.

Our tree is up and decorated and most of my xmas shopping is done. (kind of). everythingbought now is wrapped.

Iwas debating putting all ofteh gifts for everyone else under our tree too to make it look more full of gifts LOL. But I didt ;).

Loads of cleaning to do.

Donno what else.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Holy Tantrums Batman

Donavan is such a cranky kid lately. Everytime I turn around he is on the floor kicking and screaming! It is insane.

I think someone is coming for some baby clothes I have here.

I did up some dishes a bit ago and I have alot of christmas crafting to do. I cant work on Kelly's until I get some yellow wool so I went on to the next one. Plus I ahve been making scarves like crazy. LOL. I need more yarn.... YARNNN FOR THE POOORRRR. HAHA. Later in the week I am goign to go to frenchies and the bridge and see if I can find anything :)

Another tantrum.


Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Food Gathering

So as you all know I went away Thursday and Friday. It was an awesome experience and I am so glad that I was asked to go!

Thursday Morning The ladies I went with picked me up and we, after stopping for gas and coffee, headed out of town. We hit Truro first where one lady did a little food costing for soup at the BulkBarn. I took advantage of that and picked myself up some hot lips candy and a few candy type things for xmas stockings.

From there we hit the Truro mall. We split up (one lady seperated) and then we did a bit of window shopping. I picked up a few more xmas things at Zellers (I know, I rock the window shopping). We had a small bite at teh small food court and I bought myself an AWESOME pair of slide on sneakers and a cute pair of earrings for kev's xmas party. From there we headed to our destination. The Debert Hospitality Center.

It was an awesome place. An old military/ airforce base with "pods" for barracks. The whole convention was held in the 1 building with the rooms on one end and teh kitchen/ meeting rooms on the other. The "pods" we were in were all named after aircrafts flown by the canadian airforce. Haha I couldnt pronounce mine so Im not going to bother trying to type it. We were given 2 keys. One opened the door to the pod and the otehr your room. You went into the pod and to the side was a common area with kitchenette and seating and cable tv. To your front was a frightening set of steps (lol). youd go up a small flight and on every landing there was a door on either side of you and a "Water closet" with either a toilet or a shower, and always a sink and mirror, depending on whick floor you were on. There were 8ish rooms per pod. We were in 5 and teh other 2 ladies from amherst were in 8. The rooms were tiny with 2 small but kind of comfie beds.

The first seminar I sat in on (there was usually about 3 to choose from) was on community gardens/ children's gardens. It wasnt bad but wasnt the best I saw.

I went to the food mentor speech of course becuase I was there on teh food mentor's buck (lol). I cant wait for the training to become a mentor myself.

As the point of the 2 days was supporting local and food security (by supporting local, makes sense) we were told that all of the food we would be served was out of a cookbook called "Simply In Season" by Mary-beth Lind and Cathleen Hockman-Wert. (More about that in a few...)

The meals were AWESOME! Delicious and fresh and WOW. Soups, and Veggies, and meat and meat alternatives. There were snacks between sessions, delicious homebaked in the galley kitchen goodies. Awesome fare.

There was a speech by the minister of agriculture Brooke Taylor where he announced the 2.3 million dollar inititive to help people buy local by supporting local farmers markets in the next few years. Awesome news!

A few of us ran to Masstown and grabbed a bottle of wine or 2 for teh evening. We gathered our wine and a bit of local cheese and healthy crackers and headed for a room where we joked and chatted until about 12:30am. Then off to bed.

7:00 came SUPER EARLY! we were downstairs as a group for breakfast by 20 to 8. It was delicious, scrambled eggs, pancakes with local maple syrup, buscuits, wild blueberries. YUM.

Friday morning I went to the presentation on breastfeeding and a more breastfeeding friendly NS. I thought it was a panel discussion... I was wrong. LOL. It was a type of panel in that the speakers were seated at the front while waiting to speak. Low and behold I was one of the speakers. Everyone else had a powerpoint presentation prepared, I had nothing. LOL I super winged it. I was told afterward that I did a great job. Its a bit of a blur. HAHA. I always liked public speaking though so I had a good time.

I sat in on a session by the author of Simply In Season, Mary-Beth Lind. It was an awesome presentation about buying local and preparing according to season. So inspiring in fact that I bought the book and plan on making it my new year's resolution to start cooking according to season and buying local where possible.

We had another delicious lunch then a presentation from Av Singh on growing your own vegetable gardens. It was very interesting and informative. :)

Then home to my loving Kev who missed me very much. then the kids got home... DUN DUN DUN.

Donavan is teething. nuff said.

Monday, December 1, 2008


Tomorrow we go to Moncton to see about Kev's allergy test. Im trying to call teh doctors office right now becuase once again kev's med card is AWOL. Tracy is really good about giving me the number in times like this.

Ian sent the maintenance today. I am very surprised becuase I wasnt expecting it until saturday. We will be able to pay rent ON TIME (ish) this month!!! YAY! Way to get caught up!

I am a sucky cleaner so I didnt get much done at all as usual, better luck next time??? LOL. I managed to clean teh YUCK and crap from under the dining room table at least. seriously though I didnt do much else. I took the dirty clothes from the bathroom and straightened up the toilet paper. I folded the clean clothes and put the washer clothes to dry and more dirty to be washed. Now I am waiting for the dryer to stop to start teh cycle of laundry over again. Always a blast. Gotta pick Samara up too.

HOPEFULLY Samara doesnt have pink eye!!! Hung out with the pink crew yesterday so I am more cautious today. Last night she was playing with her eyeball in the mirror (pulling the bottem lid down) and she scratched/ irritated her eye. This morning she woke up with a swollen eye. It wasnt bright pink but now I am thinking, "OH GOD WE'LL ALL GET PINK EYE!!!" LOL. No big deal though ;)

Freaking rain. Thats all I can say about THAT.

Ever Get Tired Of Hearing I Can't Clean?


Donavan is coming home after school adn I cant wait. But I would like to have it a bit tidier before he gets here!

Plus Im trying to find kevs msi card. BLECH.

Wish me luck!

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