When we do, we try to do good...

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hi Ho Hi Ho Its Off To Work I'll Go

And donavan is going to Betty's! It shall be a peaceful day today with Kassidy. I am going to bring a movie, possibly Rent to watch and off we go. She loves music so what could be better than a musical, right?

It is raining, shold be refreshing walking to bobs. Put on a little music and off I shall go.

Late night last night for Donavan, he just didnt want to go back to sleep. Late night for me, I didnt want to put down my book until it was over. I hate being tired but I love staying up.

I think that poor rocky needs some exercise, he is starting to crack. Getting hyper and running around going after the kids. As soon as the rain stops I am going to have to take him out for a bit.

Samara has a cough, Donavan a runny nose and I think I am on the way to runny nose too, but mine is sleep deprived I am thinking.

1 comment:

Debra-Dawn said...

rocky is just little... buy him a hamster wheel.... :) or a hamster ball ....

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