Samara just ran across to her friends house adn now it is just donavan and I agian.
He is shouting obsenities out the glass balcony window.
I got the bathroom cleaned and a few sinks of dishes. My Banada Nut Bread is almost done in the bread maker. I cant wait LOL.
Kev will be home in about 45 minutes. I am making a hearty soup for him after all tehs hoveling he probably did. I am so happy I didnt have to work.
I cant wait for tomorrow...!!! The anticipation.
Banana nut bread wasnt bad :) I had a little piece with butter. I think iot would be really good with peanut butter.
Well, this is how interesting I am. Sue me.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
you are excited to hang out me tomorrow !!!
and I you...
oh the places well go... the things we shall see......
I am super duper excited to hang with you :D:D And I am more excited that youre excited... though not excited enough to blog about it??? Where is your me inspired blog????
I ahve a magazine youd be interested in... Iam halfway through it :)
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