I am such a boring person though.
Kevs at work and I am sitting here procrastinating the dishes. I dont mind doing the dishes but I am so genetically lazy that I hate doing anything.
So My sister (who I havent really been talking to) messaged me randomly on MSN and said she was stopping up and had a present for me. I asked if I should be scared adn she said No but Kev should. I informed her the present BETTER NOT squirm and say MEOW. (She had 2 cats have kittens withen a week a couple months ago). Needless to say it did squirm and say meow. She asked kev if we would "babysit" the cat for 2 days becuase she was tipsy (shed had a few beer while here that evening) and he said yes but she HAD TO COME BACK for it. The day she was to come back kev said, first thing in the morning, "That kitten is going back today" I said, "If thats what you want...." And he said we could keep it as long as I took care of it and cleaned the shitter box. (I take care of all the cats and do the shitterbox anyway). Now we have Valentine our beautiful big shedding asshole of a long haired blackandwhite thing, Peeppeep (Peepers) the orange adn white shorthair (I think shes UGLY but everyone says shes beautiful), and Elphaba (Phaba) who is one funnylooking cat. She has a big round head with a PERFECTLY flat face. she is black with grey and brown and orange and cream mixed in. (Orange splotch on her head, one cream foot, light brown around one eye and under the other and under her chin). Kev says she is ugly but meh.
Samara starts school tomorrow. To be honest she has a bunch of new shirts to start with and a new bag and lunchbag and sneakers but I couldnt find her pants anywhere (Jeans). I got her a pair of boys jeans at Frenchies that wernt too bad. I think theyll be cute with her new pink sweater and a girly top and her new sneakers. :)
Well dishes are calling, Best I go answer them ;) (Plus UGH the laundry...)
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
1 comment:
wow Samara in big school...
where did the time go?
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