That was my speech if i ever actually won anything. Who are the little people, you ask? No idea but if you read a few childrens books and watcha few shows you may find a little family called the Littles... or their distant mouse cousin, Stuart Little... or even What's His Face... on tv... you know? Little dark haired kid... has a much bigger, younger brother dark haired kid? Whatever.
Actually I am just waiting for word on if I should go visit Kev's mother with my snooty baby today.
I was informed today (by an annon... (cant spell it, not going to try) source who shouldnt admit to enjoying my blog) that she feels my pain while laughing. (my words not hers).
In case you ever wondered, that is my intention... To make myself feel better by showing everyone how it can be funny when bad luck strikes. v e r r r y f u n n n n y
On a side note, my Mr. Man loves candy. I would even say he LIVES for it. If he can snatch a wayward piece up from whereever Miss Samara has dropped it, then he is a happy happy baby. However if someone should, out of fear for his LIFE!!!) take it from him, watch out. MELTDOWN. For you see, My sweet boy has a TEMPER to rival ANYONE's. And it gets UGLY in here.
And Now I am Going to Tell You About Some great Movies That I Have seen Lately. (Did you like my innappropriate use of Caps?)
We Own The Night...
LOVED IT. (and not becuase the movie started with Eva Menendez masterbating... obviously.) there I ruined it for you. Yup. in teh first 5 seconds when youre wondering if her arm REALLY is moving and her hand REALLY is down there, it is. Now cover your husband/ partner's eyes becuase in the next frame you WILL see her boobie/ nipple. Just so youre prepared.
This movie was great. It had everything. (hot men, uniforms, police action.) Characters you can really relate to, the PATHOS BABY! (just like that word... pathos. look it up, you will like ti too... and soon everytime you read a book, see a move, hear a song youll be thinking, "AHHHH The pathos makes it all worth while." Dont doubt me on this.
Im not going to tell you the storyline or anythign ebcuase I always give away too much. (Did i ruin the beginning? Im sorry,,, it just had nothing t do with the storyline and I thought you should be prepared...)
No Reservations
Good grief aaron eckhart is hotness... He grows on you.
Great chick flick. Kind of sad at times but awesome. I LOVED IT> watch it.
Astronauts Wife
Right up until the end I was SERIOUSLY wishing that Johnny Depp was mine... (not HIM, silly, his character). I dont even really find him attractive but he was so loving and passionate and intuned to his wife. READ THAT KEVIN?!?!?????? BE MORE LIKE HIM WHY DONCHA.
(it is safe to say that because by this point kevin will ahve gotten bored reading this long blog and went to some gamer related website.)
This was a great movie (astronauts wife? remember?) (though a little agonizing by the mid-end...) LOL. Watch it. its great...
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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