Karma maybe for the last post where I whined a bit for being broke?
Murphy's law? What can f*** up, will???
Again Karma? Couldnt this S*** wait until I have died and come back as a cockroach? (Bad religious joke.. I guess I do invite Karma...)
An attack of the "WHY MEEEE"s? (yep... a BIG ONE.)
Yesterday I opened our bank account online...
to show Kevin how to get to the balance to check how much he was paid this morning...
and got the "surprise" that ruined our nights...
no... not bank fraud... (I would prefer it frankly.)
Just a F****** maintance cheque BOUNCED into my account 2 days before Kev's pay is automatically put in.
And WHY GOOD FOLKS WHO POSSIBLY READ (or at least SKIM my blog occasionally) IS THIS A TRAGEDY?!?!
So as of this morning we had $215 in our acct. Just enough to paid kevs family back FINALLY the money they have been waiting for desperately. (Why should anyone else suffer?)
Kev had nothing to take for lunch and, in the true form of cutting off his nose to suit his shitty night before, wouldnt take our only $20.00 to buy lunch... or the breakfast treat he was going to today. (yes it is noble but I am in a P***Y mood right now and refuse to be kind to anyone.)
So today will be SUPERFUN.
I will be messaging SHITHEAD (sorry "forgot" to bleep that) to inform him that his cheque bounced and (Using my "I" statements - healthier for everyone) that "I NEED him to TRANFER THE MONEY DIRECTLY TO MY ACCOUNT TODAY (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) because we HAVE NO F****** FOOD IN MY F****** HOUSE and therefore cant make suppers or send Samara a lunch." GOD F****** DAMN IT. (him, damn him who bounced the cheque... please, I swear I will attend church every week and PRAY and bow my head and shake hands and SING and EVERYTHING if only S***head comes through.)
and when he starts talking about the fee HE has to pay for bouncing it (becuase it is all about HIM and the world revolves around HIM) PLEASE grant me the clever-ness of tongue to let him know i dont give a RATS ASS ABOUT HIM OR HIS FEES.
Wish me luck.
I will be VERY crabby if he doest come through
Ill go teh the FREAKING FOOD BANK IF I HAVE TO but the food bank doesnt give out antihistamines for kevs hives that itch NOR DO THEY GIVE BIRTHCONTROL PATCHES. and I need a patch!
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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