that is slightly not...
I AM NOT PLANNING A TRIP TO COURT (yet.. mwahaha... jk) BUT...
Say the person paying child support to the other person for one child (lets call him Mr. I... No too obvious... HAHA Mr. A paying Ms. B), records a musical cd and the cd is picked up to be sold in stores for $15.00 a pop. And Mr. A decides to donate the proceeds to a very good charity would the money from the sale of the c.d.s be considered income??? And therefore should it be taken into consideration for child support?
My daughter's donor (who I have nothing nice to say about besides he is brave to be wearing heavy guyliner around here...) pays me support to the tune of (more money that anyone else's donor pays aparently.) X dollars calculated by his expense report (including, like, $60.00 monthly haircuts etc HAHA) and his income tax information in which he only included income from his techie work. When I was feeling angry and vindictive and tired of fighting over visitation that he didnt actually want, just wanted to fight over recently... (vinDICKtive.. nvm...)... I was going to take him back to court to have arrangements put in stone instead of "as agree'd apon by teh two parties". If I had to do that I was going to go for a recount in maintanence. Dude travels EVERYWHERE with his "music" plays bars and clubs and coffeehouses at top pay. Well known fact FEW musicians (not him) ever report such income as income unless called on it, which is happening more and more. I was going to call him on it. (see the absolute distaste i have for him and his squabbles and bullying?)
Then I decided to give him 1 ONE more chance and we settled on an agreement. Much mudslinging and snarkiness abound of course. and so I saved us all a trip to court. I dont NEED more money, just a way to make that money grubbing tight wad suffer for his bullying and general assholiness.
Which brings up my thought. As soon as I read he was donating the proceeds to charity the other day (He posted it EVERYWHERE) I knew that there were 2 reasons to do it. number 1) impress whatever chick/ news article he was trying to impress and B) *DRUMROLL* to avoid having to give anything to ME for MY DAUGHTER. He is just that type of person.
So teh general question (whoever is still hanging on... Kim??? Deb??? AT LEAST?!?!??!!?!??? guyyyyyyssss??? hello??? *cheep cheep cheep* anywho
can a person paying support avoid paying it by donating his or her (equal oportunity here people) earnings to a charity???
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
1 comment:
Income is imcome. PERIOD
Whether he decides to donate it to a cocaine...anything he wants with it its still income. When I was on income assistance and it came to income tax time and it was all taken for a bill I owed it was still deducted from my monthly check because it was considered income. No matter what I did with it. He should still be required to pay the amount based on that income even if he donates it to charity.
And I would treaten him with court even if you're not going. Or tell him he makes his payments or his visit will be cut off. I think you should talk to a lawyer and say he had X amount of income and hes required to pay X amount of dollars and get them to remove it from his bank every time so he can't bounce a cheque. You would ahve it wither way and he would have to deal with a bounced account. Also you should set up a schedule of visits and make it a requirement that if he doesnt pay or they bounce the visit would be revoked.
I would ahve no patience for someone like that. I would end up telling hjim to keep his money and he wont be seeing her
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