I am going to relax and nurse my coffee. I earned it. BELIEVE ME... (Ever go to brew coffee but forget to put coffee in the machine...? Ever put coffee and water in teh machine then forget to replace the carafe? Yeah. My morning so far. Not pretty.
So I am going to enjoy this coffee while ignoring my screaming children fighting. I am going to burn the second matrix movie. And while I do that I am going to work on a pogo badge.
After my coffee I am going to tidy the livingroom and dining room and start a load of laundry. And keep tidying until the matrix is done.
When it finishes I am going to relax and watch it in my tidy livingroom. Samara will probably watch it to so we will be havign a deep philosofical (sp) discussion about the movie and the religioun inspired by it. Samara is a good listener.
If the matrix fails like a jackass then I will be watching Escape from NewYork. And enjoying Snake Blitzken's manliness. With Samara. After I explained to her the rules of movies, There are NO WOMEN IN RAMBO... and there is NO CRYING IN BASEBALL! I think she really understood it. Minor oversight when I forgot to tell her Rambo was the good guy and that He didnt kill the (ahem) woman the bad guys did, And yes she was good but THE ARE NO WOMEN IN RAMBO. rambo is too damaged for a girlfriend. To which she relied, "But he HAD a girlfriend..." ANd I replied, "But now she is DEAD. because (say it with me) THERE ARE NO WOMEN IN RAMBO!"
And to reiderate the fact that I believe in forcing violent movies on impressionable children, Donavan LOVED rambo. He sat on my lap and watched happily while rambo prepared his guns for battle. ****DROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLL* HAHA
Now I ahve wasted enough time. There are movies to burn, coffee to drink, badges to work at, 2 rooms to clean, and movies to watch.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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