Or dont beware ;)
Donavan is sittign in teh toybox playing with a barbie and samara is waxing poetic about a sunfllower that died at my motehr's house. while I work on a Pogo badge. I think my neighbors downstairs are fighting (she said she was going to kick him out after the weekend so maybe?) or theyre laugh? maybe? The upstairs neighbors kept kevin up last night again with their outrageously loud music. a day in the life and all i guess. ive been up foir an hour and a half and i havent done anythign but make the kiddies toast. I finished my book last night so today I shall be searching for another one to read. Ive been on a historical romace kick lately. its a guilty pleasure. The men are so big and strong and the women (in johanna lindsay's books at least) defy convention by being absolutly strong and independant.
Ive been trying to get ahold of a friend of mine for a week now. GRR. LOL. I feel like i am bugging her or somethign when i call. its hard to say if she even knows ive been calling. LOL. her man doesnt give messages and aparently he is the type who RUNS to the phone to see who has called.
I guess ill go and call her again LMAO.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
hey whats up...?
I'll be at maggie's tomorrow morning for chat n chew...
do you know if Claire still blogs...?
I got to get ready for work...
see you tomorrow?
Hey, cleaning my messy abode. Ill be at maggies as well ;) with bells on of course. excuse me while I offend someone I am sure but who the heck is claire??? (does she have a psudoname? LOL)
bright and early tomorrow indeed.
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