Just lazing around in my sauna reading a book.
Kev had troy over to have a few beer. The only got 8 (Ithink) packs and they started early so i figured they would want to go out adn have another. They are so predictable. Troy is a bit of a liquor-pig (using teh phrase that i HATE) and when the beer is gone he always (if he has money or can borrow some) wants to go out and have that "last" one. (AKA get as drunk as hell and not be seen for days.) When he gets to that point he wants someone to go out with him. He asks kev and kevin thinks its a great idea so he runs it by me. (I am not his mother and I refuse to be put in a situation where i ahve to say no.)
When he asked this time I told him to go. A) I am not not not not in the mood to fight over stupid shit. and would REALLY like to LIKE him when we go on vacation... To be hateful and hurt and so on so close to going away would COMPLETELY ruin my trip. and B) when I laid down that law it was about wednesday nights. I am DYING DYING to go to kareoke at the elm tree but kevin wont go with that (unless its troy, end of evening and he doesnt have to take me because theres no sitter.)
I will be using this as cannon fodder eventually anyway. An old friend asked me today if i wanted tog et together sometime for old times sake and have a few drinks. Mind you I would NEVER spring it on him last minute and I would NEVER leave him home with the kids without a babysitter if i were going out drinking. But it is 12:30 and he said hed be home by 1 and he only took 5$ (I am trusting him that he didnt slip more out of his wallet before he showed me the 5$ LOL).
Anywhoooo Im going to go read another chapter, catch a cat and then i am going to go to SLEEP... HOPEFULLY.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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