And it is JUST THAT MUCH HOTTER in the kitchen. There are dishes to be done and supper to be planned but WOW. It is a sauna in there! I am DYING.
Kev got the call today. He got a new job! it will be 8-4 everyday. He will be home EVERYNIGHT for supper. I AM SO FRIGGING EXCITED i tell ya. After 6 months there will even be BENEFITS!
I am going to freaking beat my kids in about 2 seconds... WOW. Donavan is SOOOO cranky with the heat. he is basically walking around the house VERY SLOWLY yelling and whining and screaming angrily. Samara is hot and bored so she is trying to antagonize him CONSTANTLY and rive me crazy.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
Would you belive that my kids are watching "between the lions"...
my poor dog...
she is going into the tub in 5 minutes...
where will kev be working now?
Samara ia watching treehouse in donavans room, i just put my new tv stand into place. Freaking tv is a 2 person job (if yuore in my area this afternoon feel free to stop in and be person number 2)
Kev will be working at the Wandelyn :):) Sherry will be picking him up and bringing him home everday :):)
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