I hate cleaning, I never finish anything.
It is so hot in here I want to PUKE.
I am bored and crabby.
Maggies place tomorrow. It is a fun day where you pretty much spend the day with your kid but i dont think ill be aving a good time... A girl i know caught me in a "i cant say no" situation. She asked if i was going. I said yes, if im signed up for it. then she said she was asking becuase she was going to see if i would "watch" her daughter during it so she could take her son to an appt. Yay. I get to play babysitter to her wildly active dicipline-free child who is JUST potty trained while ATTEMPTING to have a "good" time with my own children while chasing them. I should ahve said no, i wasnt going but i missed 2 already adn I know samara misses it.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
ug... what did you sign up for?
I need to get down there more...
I signed up for everything... save me from the house!
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