And no... I dont mean the flu...
My baby finally came home last night around 6-7. I was super happy to see him... he wanted to stay with Brenda... *sigh*. Once she was gone and he and I had a cuddle on my bed in my new "room" he was much better... In my bum but better. Kev and I watched Romeo Must die. I ahve 10000 BC for later tonight. Samara was at a sleepover at sherry's but wanted me so sherry brought her home around 9-9:30. Then she had a little fit. (she wanted to sleep with me but that was out of the question completely.) Donavan went to bed really well (we cuddled in his new room). He didnt wake up until 4am then i gave him a bottle and put him back... he wasnt into it so i went in with my blanket and cuddled him in the recliner. he slept on me until aout 9:30 the next morning. What a cutie pants.
Samara is at sherry's now and kev and I are walking up with the little guy ina little bit for lunch. Corn on teh cob and macaroni salad. YUM.
I cant wait to go...
Now onto the smelly butt that kev said is waiting for me in the playroom... ew.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago