When we do, we try to do good...

Saturday, July 26, 2008

I am SO excited

I am going to BURST.

Cabin is only a FEW days away... Today is Saturday, sunday, monday, then GOING TUESDAY!
(Side note- I am goiong to miss the Bosom Buddies Drop in... Shitty pooh...)

I am making my list:

Ketchup and Mustard (maybe ill get one of those 3 packs?)
Corn on the Cobb, salt and pepper
Steak/ Porkchops
Hamburgers, Buns
Hot Dogs, Buns
Potatoes, margerine
Pop, Juice, Water
Ice cream

Citronella candle for the deck
Bug spray

Maybe today calls for a trip to Dollarama-ville??? Calling Royleen... maybe I can recruit? haha

Am I missing Anyhing???


Anonymous said...

Breakfast foods (if you're staying the night) and stuff for sandwiches in case the kids don't want the BBq stuff.

Lisa said...

Breakfast food YES....
Children NOOOO ;)
Theyre staying at my parents :):)

Anonymous said...

Well then I guess you don't need to bring food for them to eat. Depending on what's in the room (tv, clock, etc) then you can figure out if theres anything else you'll need. And maybe extra blankets incase it gets chilly. :)

Lisa said...

Yes, im sure kevin wont let me forget his blankets LOL

Debra-Dawn said...

Baked Beans!!!!!

a cabin just isn't cabin-y without beans...


Lisa said...

Indeed o.O If not for the fact we both HATE baked beans... ;)

I was over bean fed as a child i think...

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