When we do, we try to do good...

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Holy Scary Dream Batman

Kevin woke me up at a pivitol part of my dream last night. So pivital this part in fact that i didnt even realized he had said anythign to me becuase i was screaming so loud and hard in my dream...

We were at his family's cabin (I felt it was his families) with our child. (Donavan at samara's age? donno). All was well adn we were getting dressed to go to town to get supplies. As I was half dressed some strange woman came to the door (i think she was lost). Kevin started being very mean and disrespectful toward me. after he kept picking and picking i threw on a sweater, grabbed a couple of garbage bags and told him I was leaving and going home. I packed all of my stuff and the child's stuff while he was going insane threatening me and so on if i left. I packed the stuff in the car, put the kid in and went and sat in the backseat. He had the keys. When he came out he was still freaking adn threatening. he pulled out fo teh driveway and started SPEEDING erradically on teh icy roads while being insane. I was trying to gouge his eyes or nostril and screaming out the window for help while we sped through a town.
When kev said its time to wake up I didnt even hear him. I thought he was calming down in my dream and thats what he said.
Then I woke up. to him saying it again.


Sunday, September 28, 2008

The plan as of right now.

I am going to relax and nurse my coffee. I earned it. BELIEVE ME... (Ever go to brew coffee but forget to put coffee in the machine...? Ever put coffee and water in teh machine then forget to replace the carafe? Yeah. My morning so far. Not pretty.

So I am going to enjoy this coffee while ignoring my screaming children fighting. I am going to burn the second matrix movie. And while I do that I am going to work on a pogo badge.

After my coffee I am going to tidy the livingroom and dining room and start a load of laundry. And keep tidying until the matrix is done.

When it finishes I am going to relax and watch it in my tidy livingroom. Samara will probably watch it to so we will be havign a deep philosofical (sp) discussion about the movie and the religioun inspired by it. Samara is a good listener.

If the matrix fails like a jackass then I will be watching Escape from NewYork. And enjoying Snake Blitzken's manliness. With Samara. After I explained to her the rules of movies, There are NO WOMEN IN RAMBO... and there is NO CRYING IN BASEBALL! I think she really understood it. Minor oversight when I forgot to tell her Rambo was the good guy and that He didnt kill the (ahem) woman the bad guys did, And yes she was good but THE ARE NO WOMEN IN RAMBO. rambo is too damaged for a girlfriend. To which she relied, "But he HAD a girlfriend..." ANd I replied, "But now she is DEAD. because (say it with me) THERE ARE NO WOMEN IN RAMBO!"

And to reiderate the fact that I believe in forcing violent movies on impressionable children, Donavan LOVED rambo. He sat on my lap and watched happily while rambo prepared his guns for battle. ****DROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLL* HAHA

Now I ahve wasted enough time. There are movies to burn, coffee to drink, badges to work at, 2 rooms to clean, and movies to watch.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Went to My Aunt's Wedding Today. (yesterday)

It was gorgeous. :)

I think about getting married occasionally... I dont want to be married in a church because it holds no significance to me (sorry, but I am being honest.)

I was never raised in a religious home and though I have gone to a local church a number of times teh past few years I still dont find the comfort or meaning in it that others do.

I always thought I wanted to be married in teh courthouse. My mother and stepfather were married there in fact. but i have been second thoughting that alot lately. It just lacks some feeling I think. Henri and Bill were married in a friend's back yard and it was lovely. I am thinking now that I would like to be married outside too. :):) I want the dress and veil and flowers. I ahve NO IDEA who I would pick to stand with me or anythign like that. (unlike many I dont really have any lifelong friends.) Technically my oldest friend is Jennf rom ontario but i havent seen her since 6th grade and havent really talked to her in aout 5 years besides facebook. and even then it isnt nearly as close as it was before.

The biggest thing I always wanted was the reception and party since the days of catering weddings. It was always so neat when teh bride would be there in her long gorgeous dress :):)

I would probably have dinner catered then a kareoke dance later once the kids are gone. (I dont sing kareoke unless too too drunk to hear myself but I enjoy it. LOL. Kev likes to sing too ;)

Monday, September 22, 2008

Im a Wussy

I could survive for 60 seconds chained to a bunk bed with a velociraptor

Kev could make it a minute and 19 seconds... LOL... how long could you?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Beware... I am Blogging again

Or dont beware ;)

Donavan is sittign in teh toybox playing with a barbie and samara is waxing poetic about a sunfllower that died at my motehr's house. while I work on a Pogo badge. I think my neighbors downstairs are fighting (she said she was going to kick him out after the weekend so maybe?) or theyre laugh? maybe? The upstairs neighbors kept kevin up last night again with their outrageously loud music. a day in the life and all i guess. ive been up foir an hour and a half and i havent done anythign but make the kiddies toast. I finished my book last night so today I shall be searching for another one to read. Ive been on a historical romace kick lately. its a guilty pleasure. The men are so big and strong and the women (in johanna lindsay's books at least) defy convention by being absolutly strong and independant.

Ive been trying to get ahold of a friend of mine for a week now. GRR. LOL. I feel like i am bugging her or somethign when i call. its hard to say if she even knows ive been calling. LOL. her man doesnt give messages and aparently he is the type who RUNS to the phone to see who has called.

I guess ill go and call her again LMAO.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Here is a slightly rhetorical question...

that is slightly not...

I AM NOT PLANNING A TRIP TO COURT (yet.. mwahaha... jk) BUT...

Say the person paying child support to the other person for one child (lets call him Mr. I... No too obvious... HAHA Mr. A paying Ms. B), records a musical cd and the cd is picked up to be sold in stores for $15.00 a pop. And Mr. A decides to donate the proceeds to a very good charity would the money from the sale of the c.d.s be considered income??? And therefore should it be taken into consideration for child support?


My daughter's donor (who I have nothing nice to say about besides he is brave to be wearing heavy guyliner around here...) pays me support to the tune of (more money that anyone else's donor pays aparently.) X dollars calculated by his expense report (including, like, $60.00 monthly haircuts etc HAHA) and his income tax information in which he only included income from his techie work. When I was feeling angry and vindictive and tired of fighting over visitation that he didnt actually want, just wanted to fight over recently... (vinDICKtive.. nvm...)... I was going to take him back to court to have arrangements put in stone instead of "as agree'd apon by teh two parties". If I had to do that I was going to go for a recount in maintanence. Dude travels EVERYWHERE with his "music" plays bars and clubs and coffeehouses at top pay. Well known fact FEW musicians (not him) ever report such income as income unless called on it, which is happening more and more. I was going to call him on it. (see the absolute distaste i have for him and his squabbles and bullying?)
Then I decided to give him 1 ONE more chance and we settled on an agreement. Much mudslinging and snarkiness abound of course. and so I saved us all a trip to court. I dont NEED more money, just a way to make that money grubbing tight wad suffer for his bullying and general assholiness.

Which brings up my thought. As soon as I read he was donating the proceeds to charity the other day (He posted it EVERYWHERE) I knew that there were 2 reasons to do it. number 1) impress whatever chick/ news article he was trying to impress and B) *DRUMROLL* to avoid having to give anything to ME for MY DAUGHTER. He is just that type of person.

So teh general question (whoever is still hanging on... Kim??? Deb??? AT LEAST?!?!??!!?!??? guyyyyyyssss??? hello??? *cheep cheep cheep* anywho

can a person paying support avoid paying it by donating his or her (equal oportunity here people) earnings to a charity???

Changing the about this blog...

If only I could figure out how. HAHA

This blog is all about the many ways that I can laugh while poor, heartbroken, in pain, down on my luck, and in the middle of any of the many feuds that I seem to be suffering at anytime. (why does the world hate me??? WHY?)

add to that ANOTHER COMPLIMENT form the annon... (bet you thought i was going to type that... SYK... sike? cike? whatever,,,) in the form of, though i am not witty like dooce or Liz or the umpteen other professional mommybloggers ;);) I still have my personable appeal ;)

Yes, it is true... this is what it is like to ahve a phone conversation with me... except this way there is no other party interrupting me thinking that they deserve to talk too. HAHA... WAIT UNTIL THE END...

I wish phone calls came with the option to comment...

I want to thank all of the little people...

That was my speech if i ever actually won anything. Who are the little people, you ask? No idea but if you read a few childrens books and watcha few shows you may find a little family called the Littles... or their distant mouse cousin, Stuart Little... or even What's His Face... on tv... you know? Little dark haired kid... has a much bigger, younger brother dark haired kid? Whatever.

Actually I am just waiting for word on if I should go visit Kev's mother with my snooty baby today.

I was informed today (by an annon... (cant spell it, not going to try) source who shouldnt admit to enjoying my blog) that she feels my pain while laughing. (my words not hers).

In case you ever wondered, that is my intention... To make myself feel better by showing everyone how it can be funny when bad luck strikes. v e r r r y f u n n n n y

On a side note, my Mr. Man loves candy. I would even say he LIVES for it. If he can snatch a wayward piece up from whereever Miss Samara has dropped it, then he is a happy happy baby. However if someone should, out of fear for his LIFE!!!) take it from him, watch out. MELTDOWN. For you see, My sweet boy has a TEMPER to rival ANYONE's. And it gets UGLY in here.

And Now I am Going to Tell You About Some great Movies That I Have seen Lately. (Did you like my innappropriate use of Caps?)

We Own The Night...

LOVED IT. (and not becuase the movie started with Eva Menendez masterbating... obviously.) there I ruined it for you. Yup. in teh first 5 seconds when youre wondering if her arm REALLY is moving and her hand REALLY is down there, it is. Now cover your husband/ partner's eyes becuase in the next frame you WILL see her boobie/ nipple. Just so youre prepared.

This movie was great. It had everything. (hot men, uniforms, police action.) Characters you can really relate to, the PATHOS BABY! (just like that word... pathos. look it up, you will like ti too... and soon everytime you read a book, see a move, hear a song youll be thinking, "AHHHH The pathos makes it all worth while." Dont doubt me on this.

Im not going to tell you the storyline or anythign ebcuase I always give away too much. (Did i ruin the beginning? Im sorry,,, it just had nothing t do with the storyline and I thought you should be prepared...)

No Reservations

Good grief aaron eckhart is hotness... He grows on you.

Great chick flick. Kind of sad at times but awesome. I LOVED IT> watch it.

Astronauts Wife

Right up until the end I was SERIOUSLY wishing that Johnny Depp was mine... (not HIM, silly, his character). I dont even really find him attractive but he was so loving and passionate and intuned to his wife. READ THAT KEVIN?!?!?????? BE MORE LIKE HIM WHY DONCHA.

(it is safe to say that because by this point kevin will ahve gotten bored reading this long blog and went to some gamer related website.)

This was a great movie (astronauts wife? remember?) (though a little agonizing by the mid-end...) LOL. Watch it. its great...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

crisis Averted

He sent the transfer. THANK GOODNESS. *big sigh of relief*


Karma maybe for the last post where I whined a bit for being broke?
Murphy's law? What can f*** up, will???
Again Karma? Couldnt this S*** wait until I have died and come back as a cockroach? (Bad religious joke.. I guess I do invite Karma...)
An attack of the "WHY MEEEE"s? (yep... a BIG ONE.)

Yesterday I opened our bank account online...
to show Kevin how to get to the balance to check how much he was paid this morning...
and got the "surprise" that ruined our nights...

no... not bank fraud... (I would prefer it frankly.)

Just a F****** maintance cheque BOUNCED into my account 2 days before Kev's pay is automatically put in.

And WHY GOOD FOLKS WHO POSSIBLY READ (or at least SKIM my blog occasionally) IS THIS A TRAGEDY?!?!


So as of this morning we had $215 in our acct. Just enough to paid kevs family back FINALLY the money they have been waiting for desperately. (Why should anyone else suffer?)

Kev had nothing to take for lunch and, in the true form of cutting off his nose to suit his shitty night before, wouldnt take our only $20.00 to buy lunch... or the breakfast treat he was going to today. (yes it is noble but I am in a P***Y mood right now and refuse to be kind to anyone.)

So today will be SUPERFUN.

I will be messaging SHITHEAD (sorry "forgot" to bleep that) to inform him that his cheque bounced and (Using my "I" statements - healthier for everyone) that "I NEED him to TRANFER THE MONEY DIRECTLY TO MY ACCOUNT TODAY (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) because we HAVE NO F****** FOOD IN MY F****** HOUSE and therefore cant make suppers or send Samara a lunch." GOD F****** DAMN IT. (him, damn him who bounced the cheque... please, I swear I will attend church every week and PRAY and bow my head and shake hands and SING and EVERYTHING if only S***head comes through.)

and when he starts talking about the fee HE has to pay for bouncing it (becuase it is all about HIM and the world revolves around HIM) PLEASE grant me the clever-ness of tongue to let him know i dont give a RATS ASS ABOUT HIM OR HIS FEES.

Wish me luck.

I will be VERY crabby if he doest come through

Ill go teh the FREAKING FOOD BANK IF I HAVE TO but the food bank doesnt give out antihistamines for kevs hives that itch NOR DO THEY GIVE BIRTHCONTROL PATCHES. and I need a patch!


Monday, September 8, 2008

Ugh Broke

Ugh I am dead broke... I just did up our ins and outs and there are FARRR too many outs. Add on top of that we need to do somethign about the fleabags... Im thinking were going to have to buy some cheaper stuff at walmart for another 2 weeks and hope that that does it... When Kev comes home I am sure he will have yet another thing that I ahve forgotten... It is times like this I think, "Why do I not babysit?" 2 reasons dear friends... A) dont like kids... which is not that big of a deal. a few hours wont kill me... it is B) that stops me. Kevin hatesssss kids. and his days off are Thursday, Friday. I dont need that stress. It is juts because were SO broke that It is all so crappy. I used to budget up down to the last doller but that is what put us so far behind. I would forget spending money, wed spend and then voila- a bill not paid. This week I left 30$ that i am NOT (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) devoting anywhere. That is after I have paid off my avon and kevin got his new game that just came out. plus anyhting over $500 is free money whether is is $5.00 or $50.00 :)
Ive got a gift for kevs mom bought (Avon) and I have a few for Kev and the kids picked out so I am getting a jump on it. My nerves cant take another christmas running at the last minute.


gotta go russle up something for my little guy form our empty cupboards. LOL.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

(Venturing into unknown blogging territory again lets see how this goes...)

Jen at http://dailymishmash.com has posted a challenge.


And I am going to take that challenge. DUN DUN DUN... Actually it was a wonderful coincidence that I read about this on Carol's blog http://siswicks.blogspot.com/ I was thinking today that I am going tog et more active. I am tired of rolls and blubber. I would like to actually feel sexily...as opposed to assuming that Kev stays with me because im there. HAHA

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I know, I really should post more often/ The Cat Situation

I am such a boring person though.

Kevs at work and I am sitting here procrastinating the dishes. I dont mind doing the dishes but I am so genetically lazy that I hate doing anything.

So My sister (who I havent really been talking to) messaged me randomly on MSN and said she was stopping up and had a present for me. I asked if I should be scared adn she said No but Kev should. I informed her the present BETTER NOT squirm and say MEOW. (She had 2 cats have kittens withen a week a couple months ago). Needless to say it did squirm and say meow. She asked kev if we would "babysit" the cat for 2 days becuase she was tipsy (shed had a few beer while here that evening) and he said yes but she HAD TO COME BACK for it. The day she was to come back kev said, first thing in the morning, "That kitten is going back today" I said, "If thats what you want...." And he said we could keep it as long as I took care of it and cleaned the shitter box. (I take care of all the cats and do the shitterbox anyway). Now we have Valentine our beautiful big shedding asshole of a long haired blackandwhite thing, Peeppeep (Peepers) the orange adn white shorthair (I think shes UGLY but everyone says shes beautiful), and Elphaba (Phaba) who is one funnylooking cat. She has a big round head with a PERFECTLY flat face. she is black with grey and brown and orange and cream mixed in. (Orange splotch on her head, one cream foot, light brown around one eye and under the other and under her chin). Kev says she is ugly but meh.

Samara starts school tomorrow. To be honest she has a bunch of new shirts to start with and a new bag and lunchbag and sneakers but I couldnt find her pants anywhere (Jeans). I got her a pair of boys jeans at Frenchies that wernt too bad. I think theyll be cute with her new pink sweater and a girly top and her new sneakers. :)

Well dishes are calling, Best I go answer them ;) (Plus UGH the laundry...)

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