HOLY FRICKING CRAP it was COLD this morning. Poor Donavan Hates the cold.
The new neighbor came up first thing this morning to ask that we try to keep the kids from running as much as possible. She was very nice about it and she came back with an orange columbia jacket for samara. SCORE. ;) She needed a new jacket. Hers wasnt warm at all.
Iris picked donavan and I up. we walked teh stadium a bit then I borrowed her skates and totally went skating for the first time in forever. IT WAS SO FUN. I forgot how much I LOVE skating. Didnt even fall. (though there were some close calls.) I cant wait to go again!!!!!!!!!! Ill bet I ahve some sore spots tomorrow!!!
A friend of mine and fellow blogger has decided to stop blogging which makes me sad. She and I dont really talk much but before I could read what was new in her blog.
I found 2 old friends's (haha punctuation police.... and a spell checker please?) blogs. Theyre awesome people. I added them to my blog role on teh side there. Jenn Walker was my very best friend in Ontario and she was my very best friend after I moved. We fell distant a few years ago which broke my heart but it was my fault (Ill take the blame). She was supposed to come to NS and stay over on her way to somewhere else and stay with us (I was pregnant with Samara and living with my parents). It was all planned until my parents decided that that week would be a great week to go to the valley 6 hours away and go to Upper Clements Park. It would be cutting it close (we would be home like, the DAY before Jenn and her mom got here.) But at 17/18ish I had no say in the matter and that was that. Well low and behold my family had such a great time at upper clements they decided to stay an extra day. You can imagine how I felt. I had spent the WORST day of my life (Picture it: at an amusement park and the only ride youre allowed on is the paddle boat while your whole family goes on the rollercoaster adn floom over and over leaving you on a bench...) THEN when you survive that being told that it was decided that the family vacation was more important than what I had going on in Amherst the next day and so I was stuck there. I was so embarrassed over my family screwing my friend that I never really REALLLLLY sought Jenn out to apologise to her and her mother.
And so Jenn (If you ever actually read my blog) I AM SO SORRY FOR 6 YEARS AGO!!! And I understand if you were mad at me.
And so I have to go get Samara...
Everyone go check out Jenn and Mark. Theyre awesome (or they were in 6th grade... keep it up guys!!!!)
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
1 comment:
yeah.. i fell flat on my belly...
and yet i look forward to tuesday
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