WOW. Had I known my arm would be this sore I would have stopped boxing yesterday. I cant even lift it to type. OUCHIE.
Maggies place tomorrow FINALLY. I ahve been waiting forever for this. LOL. We shall see how it goes. I am also very excited about walking the stadium with Tara. I missed it the last 2 days.
I took teh weekend off from Turbo Jam. I figure the days kev is off I will take off too (to avoid being made fun of by a big meanie.) I am just waiting to find out what days he has off this week. I am going to dedicate tomorrow to my meal plan (Once I am home). I need to find a pencil for Samara's homework too. Ugh. LOL. I thought I had one but aparently not?
I dont know what else to say, really...
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
1 comment:
Maggies! Maggies!
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