My legs are so freaking hairy right now it scares me. If not for my resolution to be more feminine and "pretty" this year (at least make effort) I would totally take a picture and show anyone who accidently ended up here! BUT since it is not nice to brag that I have the hairiest legs on the block (men included) I wont.
I was going to shave tehm last night in teh bath but then I got cramps and my period officially started finally I had to debate the whole sitting in the tub on day 1 of the automatic (but always late) removal of my uterine lining. (gee when I put it like THAT....). Needless to say I skipped.
I could shave them in teh shower tonight buuuuut
A) My last razor is JUST sharp enough to tackle armpits-groin, not quite up to the task of my legs. and
B) I do NOT ahve the balence to shave them in teh shower standing. There I said it. I am a freaking clutz when it comes to anythign not JUST STANDING ona slippery surface. (Like teh bathtub).
Well My rotten ROTTEN toddler is BITING MY CAT so i have to get off the computer and BEAT HIM. (metaphorically)
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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