Donavan woke up, got out of bed and out of the room without me knowing last night. Kev was in Samara's bed and he corralled the little bugger back. I dreamt that I was in a terrible mood and when I went to check emails my keyboard was different and I was freakingout. Maybe this is my subconsious telling me to calm down? Im trying!!! GEESH.
Samara went to Sherry's last night. Ive been having such a problem with her lately with defiance. I dont know what to do. She brought her book order form to me the other day and asked if kev and I could buy her this my little pony 2 book pack that comes with a little unicorn. It is 12.99. I told her that if she was a verryy good girl until next thursday (7 days from that day) then we would get it. very good girl means no more than 2 strikes A DAY. And she has to listen and follow what she knows are the rules. I was making muffins the other night adn she wanted to help. I asked her to watch the bowl didnt fall over while I was measuring other ingredients. She wanted to pour the milk so I gave it to her. She poured it and then she grabbed the wooden spoon and tried to stir it. The bowl tiped, pouring molasses mixture all over and in teh washer and her library book (one of the only plugs in teh kitchen is over the washer so thats where I mix). I was so frustrated but getting angry and punishing her doesnt work. So i sent her straight to her room and cleaned up. When I started the muffins again I wouldnt let her in the kitchen. I think maybe not being allowed to watch was better punishment that yelling.
I started really paying close attention to what I eat the other day using sparkpeople. Thursday I did great adn finished with calories etc to spare. Yesterday I went WAYYYYYYY over. Mind you i didnt worry too much. The didnt have a listing for plain ol chicken strips so I picked one out of the list and they didnt ahve one for penne noodles so again I picked one. And I plan on rocking the eating today!
Ive done some research and I am pretty sure I have Neurotic Excoriations. Ask me how I like that. I really dont want to medicate but if it doesnt get better or I dont get betetr self control I am going to have to go fight for a prescription. The last time I did this it was my stomach and the dr insisted it was change of weather dry skin... Before it was my stomach... Who gets dry skin on thier belly? Now it is the sides of my neck. It is to the point where my necklace is irritating me but i am not goignt o take it off. I really want to stop through the power of my MINNNNNDDDDD. MWHAHAH. Yeah, whatever.
Fricking cat is still puking. WHYYYY MEEEE. If she doesnt stop im going ti ahev to break down and take her to teh vet... but if idiot with an I doesnt pay then I realllly cant afford it right now. Henri suggested taking her in and paying teh extra 80 bucks and getting her fixed. Saves the cost of the office visit but she is so dehydrated that I dont think she would be up foir surgery. ANd then to add insult to injury Valentine was hairballing yesterday. My cats are assholes.
Donavan is shitty so I must go. BLeahc. At least he isnt puking I guess.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
Dude, does the title of this blog keep changing? What are you trying to do to me? I asked that same question to MY cat last night when she threw up ON MY BED.
Same here with the ass-holey cats. The big orange one's been pissing on Austyn's stuff...grrrrr
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