More cleaning. Another day a doller less. Ugh...
I am really into reading historical romances again right now and I think after I finish the one im reading now I only have 1 left AHHHHHH.
I got a ton of laundry done yesterday. Slightly more to do today. Fricing bathroom sink clogged last night. Yuck.
Kev is home today and tomorrow and we are flat broke. Never a fun way to be. I am okay with relaxing but he is so wanting to do something but cant decide what. AND WE DONT HAVE THE MONEY FOR IT.
I am so excited about next week. I love having plans. Monday is maggies then I think were walking with tara. Drs appt for donavan and I after lunch. Donavan needs his 18 month needles. I need a refill on birth control before i run out.
Watched Mirrors last night. It was actually pretty good. Not as scary as i thought though (But what ever is?).
I needed a movie to rent tonight...I'm going to try Mirrors. If I hate it, I am blaming you. :)
I'm so glad your baby is okay, that must have been a very scary time!
Well aren't you brave?? Bill had to walk me to the bathroom and stand outside the door EVERY time I went last night, curse Mirrors!!!
monday maggies sounds good...
and maybe a walk afterwards...
right now i am getting settled in to watch armageddon...
I got scraed of the trailer for mrrors...
and yu watched the whole thing...
Did you know that the trailer for the new transformers will be shown during the supoerbowl!!!!!!!!!!!!
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