I hate having idead and not enough money to carry them out. Lemme tell you, it sucks.
I ahve 2 rugs on teh go that are at a standstill for lack of teh funds to get wool right now. Ive had a beautiful idea for another rug that has been stewing forever becuase i dont have the cash for wool for it (plus i dont have enough burlap right now...)
And now sherry got me a sewing machine for xmas (small one) and ive been wanting to try quilting for a long time but again i dont ahve the cash for material right now.
I keep telling myself we will be caught up in march (over and over) but when you have concepts and ideas waiting it is so hard to be patient. Its like being pregnant and wanting to meet your baby... expect I want to meet a few rugs and a beautiful quilt.
I am always thinking about opening and etsy shop for fun, and I often think about opening a little ebay store for used books (so many pass my hands you see) but I never actually go through with it... Maybe I should? But would it cost me mroe than I make? and there are 53 million people plus doing this... what would set my little webspace apart? I get so overworked with details.
Ill make it my mission today to look into these things... MUST DOOOO.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
omg i know what you mean...
i have a thousand things i want to do ... but am cash poor till the 19th...
ill have to focus on exercise and cleaning until then...
exercising today and cleaning...
wassup with you?
maggies tomorrow?
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