When we do, we try to do good...

Monday, January 12, 2009


THERE ARE THINGS I WANT TO DO but i dont want to carry them out.

Meal plan for 1. Im going to do it NOW.


The Stiletto Mom said...

Hey Lisa! Thanks for coming by my site today! So you are the person in Nova Scotia that shows up on my stat counter, huh? :)

Read down thru a few of your posts. I am a former Perez Hilton junkie. He's rubbing me the wrong way these days too...very hypocritical, don't you think? Esp since he just lost a ton of weight himself!

Debra-Dawn said...

meal plan for 1?



Lisa said...

LOL the meal plan was 1 thing I wanted to do. I rocked it too. GO ME. I am queen of grocery shopping :)

Debra-Dawn said...

but what is good for the goosette is good for the goslings....



Lisa said...

This goosette cooks and besides donavan-cluck it is up to the gander and gosling if they wnt to eat it... Otherwise good luck feeding yourself.


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