When we do, we try to do good...
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Did I Say I Got Lots Done Yesterday?
I printed some flylady tips and went on a 15 minute per room rampage. WOW.
Well back to it. I think I am at the livingroom again now!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Samara's room visibly done. (all thats left is teh hell that is under her bed!!!). Her toys and Donavan's are all in there neatly. And the boxes labeled usuing our new printer :)
All the ornaments off the tree (cept the star cause it is too high haha). The living room looks like a livingroom again. All of the bags of paper and boxes are gone. (Well if i get the chance theyre in the porch waiting to be taken out.) I think kevin thinks I leave the bags out there on purpose to annoy him but really it is just too hard on everyone for me to try to sneak them outside. Especially since Donavan wont take a nap. (Beucase he is evil. too true).
Got some good information off teh net last night on creating meal plans. I cant wait to have money to get groceries and officially start. 2009 will be our year to get healthy.
Put my turkey in this morning. I wanted to put it in last night before bed (around midnight) at 250 then turn it up this mornign to finish but kev insisted that it would dry it out cooking that long blah blah blah (Becuase he has cooked a million turkeys in his days, right?) and so in the oven it went at 400 this morning. And if we all die of food poisoning I hope his case is worst and he really suffers then it WILL be "I told you so."
Got our xmas gifts from Laura last night. She got me socks and a shirt, donavan a musical cookie jar thing, Samara a movie, playdoh and a game to hook to the tv and kev a screwdriver thing. I wasnt expecting anything from them (as I am not acknowleging her as family anymore... But i guess it was a nice gesture, I am too bitter to think otherwise... Like WOW a shirt and socks! Should we take that off teh $2000 she owes me?!?!? See, bitter. Not so xmas-y, right?)
Kev got me the last 2 twighlight books for xmas. Right before I gave in and bought them figureing that they couldnt be too bad. LOVED them. Loved the first, liked the second, loved the 3rd, okay on teh 4th. I wish they didnt end and am hoping the author writes mroe, maybe on others' stories? Donno. Now to get charlene harris's whole series. MWAHAHA.
Now to go gag my shotty daughter before I am tempted to beat* her for insolence. GRRRRAWWWWWWWR.
*no I dont beat my children... just torment them... lots of torment...
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Survived Xmas
I was a big cranky on christmas, many days of straight headaache will do that to you.
now xmas is over for another year, The tree is stripped (being tossed over the railing tonight!) and today the gifts will be put away. It is a beautiful life.
I WNAT TO Accomplish somehting.
I was going to write a long blog but i am bored of typing... i am so boring.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Oh Headache, There You Are
Holy driven nuts still.
These children are not children but rather demons form hell sent to test my resolve. What kind of parent will I be by the end of the day? Ask me again if Samara slams that bathroom door again. If she gets donavan's fingers i will magically become the parent to 1. That is where I am at this point.
I keep trying to tell myself at least we have food and warmth and gifts under our tree, many people dont have that... Ill bet that their kids apprieciate each other though... And dont fight and scream and make constant messes.
Im just listening to music and trying to clean. But I suck.
My new year's resolution will be to suck far less.
Oh Henri, Deb where are you? I need comapny and decluttering!
Mostly company... help to not kill my children teh day before xmas eve would be nice.
If I can make it the 2 or 3 hours until Ian picks up Samara then I will be almost homefree, right?
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Donavan is crabby and wont LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!
Im about to go nuts and jump off the balcony. Hopefully it would be quiet in traction.
I was up last night coughing (much better today though) so I am tired and cranky, then he is up my ass and cranky and samara is screaming at him at every chance.
I am ready to run away.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
OVER IT, Just needed time.
Kev stayed with donavan so i could take samara to school and then we took donavan to his moms and went xmas shoppng. We were completely done teh kids by lunchtime. Painful money later. Xmas is but once a year though, right? ;)
All thats left is a few things for my Mr. O'Regan, somethign SMALL for ryan, sherry, and Kevs gotta shop for me. YAY finally I will ahve gifts under the tree. MWAHAHA.
We watched DeathRace tonight. It was GOOOODDD BUTTTTTTT a little rushy to the end. Youll know what I am saying once you see it. One minute movie, teh next DONE type deal.
Im finishing xmas gifts (or trying to). Everytime I think I am almost done I add somethign to it. I have a couple scarves to do, 2 rugs to finish (UGGHHHH HAHA) and A TON of knitting left.
Well back to knitting.
Wish me luck.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
15 Minutes Until I Have To Go And Get Samara
Went to Maggies place today for teh turkey cooking. It was yummy. Donavan had a great time. He was the only child in care so him and Heather took a walk around the track at the park across teh street.
Samara went to a farm for a class trip today So hopefully she had a great time.
Im supposed to go shopping in Halifax with my mother tomorrow, hoepfully A) the weather holds and B) she doesnt invite Laura.
Normally when something is planned she will spring laura on me last minute and i will either complain and shell tell me itll be fine, etc, etc or I wont complain but by the end I will swear never to do it again. They will gang up on me or rather against me and I will not only feel like but I will be the odd one out. Just thinking about it makes me GRRRR ish. LOL. This will be the time I will follow through on teh never again. If laura is involved I will have a magic flu that will be gone by friday. Dont doubt me. ;)
9 more minutes.
Kev called and left a message hell be coming home at 2. Im hoping hes getting a drive. Then I wont ave to take donavan and the stroller to the school. LOL.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
The "I am too boring to blog" blog
Just slowly getting ready for christmas. Waiting for samara to be off school so I can stop taking her and picking her up. HAHA.
And irritating my brother. HAHA.
Our tree is up and decorated and most of my xmas shopping is done. (kind of). everythingbought now is wrapped.
Iwas debating putting all ofteh gifts for everyone else under our tree too to make it look more full of gifts LOL. But I didt ;).
Loads of cleaning to do.
Donno what else.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Holy Tantrums Batman
I think someone is coming for some baby clothes I have here.
I did up some dishes a bit ago and I have alot of christmas crafting to do. I cant work on Kelly's until I get some yellow wool so I went on to the next one. Plus I ahve been making scarves like crazy. LOL. I need more yarn.... YARNNN FOR THE POOORRRR. HAHA. Later in the week I am goign to go to frenchies and the bridge and see if I can find anything :)
Another tantrum.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
The Food Gathering
Thursday Morning The ladies I went with picked me up and we, after stopping for gas and coffee, headed out of town. We hit Truro first where one lady did a little food costing for soup at the BulkBarn. I took advantage of that and picked myself up some hot lips candy and a few candy type things for xmas stockings.
From there we hit the Truro mall. We split up (one lady seperated) and then we did a bit of window shopping. I picked up a few more xmas things at Zellers (I know, I rock the window shopping). We had a small bite at teh small food court and I bought myself an AWESOME pair of slide on sneakers and a cute pair of earrings for kev's xmas party. From there we headed to our destination. The Debert Hospitality Center.
It was an awesome place. An old military/ airforce base with "pods" for barracks. The whole convention was held in the 1 building with the rooms on one end and teh kitchen/ meeting rooms on the other. The "pods" we were in were all named after aircrafts flown by the canadian airforce. Haha I couldnt pronounce mine so Im not going to bother trying to type it. We were given 2 keys. One opened the door to the pod and the otehr your room. You went into the pod and to the side was a common area with kitchenette and seating and cable tv. To your front was a frightening set of steps (lol). youd go up a small flight and on every landing there was a door on either side of you and a "Water closet" with either a toilet or a shower, and always a sink and mirror, depending on whick floor you were on. There were 8ish rooms per pod. We were in 5 and teh other 2 ladies from amherst were in 8. The rooms were tiny with 2 small but kind of comfie beds.
The first seminar I sat in on (there was usually about 3 to choose from) was on community gardens/ children's gardens. It wasnt bad but wasnt the best I saw.
I went to the food mentor speech of course becuase I was there on teh food mentor's buck (lol). I cant wait for the training to become a mentor myself.
As the point of the 2 days was supporting local and food security (by supporting local, makes sense) we were told that all of the food we would be served was out of a cookbook called "Simply In Season" by Mary-beth Lind and Cathleen Hockman-Wert. (More about that in a few...)
The meals were AWESOME! Delicious and fresh and WOW. Soups, and Veggies, and meat and meat alternatives. There were snacks between sessions, delicious homebaked in the galley kitchen goodies. Awesome fare.
There was a speech by the minister of agriculture Brooke Taylor where he announced the 2.3 million dollar inititive to help people buy local by supporting local farmers markets in the next few years. Awesome news!
A few of us ran to Masstown and grabbed a bottle of wine or 2 for teh evening. We gathered our wine and a bit of local cheese and healthy crackers and headed for a room where we joked and chatted until about 12:30am. Then off to bed.
7:00 came SUPER EARLY! we were downstairs as a group for breakfast by 20 to 8. It was delicious, scrambled eggs, pancakes with local maple syrup, buscuits, wild blueberries. YUM.
Friday morning I went to the presentation on breastfeeding and a more breastfeeding friendly NS. I thought it was a panel discussion... I was wrong. LOL. It was a type of panel in that the speakers were seated at the front while waiting to speak. Low and behold I was one of the speakers. Everyone else had a powerpoint presentation prepared, I had nothing. LOL I super winged it. I was told afterward that I did a great job. Its a bit of a blur. HAHA. I always liked public speaking though so I had a good time.
I sat in on a session by the author of Simply In Season, Mary-Beth Lind. It was an awesome presentation about buying local and preparing according to season. So inspiring in fact that I bought the book and plan on making it my new year's resolution to start cooking according to season and buying local where possible.
We had another delicious lunch then a presentation from Av Singh on growing your own vegetable gardens. It was very interesting and informative. :)
Then home to my loving Kev who missed me very much. then the kids got home... DUN DUN DUN.
Donavan is teething. nuff said.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Ian sent the maintenance today. I am very surprised becuase I wasnt expecting it until saturday. We will be able to pay rent ON TIME (ish) this month!!! YAY! Way to get caught up!
I am a sucky cleaner so I didnt get much done at all as usual, better luck next time??? LOL. I managed to clean teh YUCK and crap from under the dining room table at least. seriously though I didnt do much else. I took the dirty clothes from the bathroom and straightened up the toilet paper. I folded the clean clothes and put the washer clothes to dry and more dirty to be washed. Now I am waiting for the dryer to stop to start teh cycle of laundry over again. Always a blast. Gotta pick Samara up too.
HOPEFULLY Samara doesnt have pink eye!!! Hung out with the pink crew yesterday so I am more cautious today. Last night she was playing with her eyeball in the mirror (pulling the bottem lid down) and she scratched/ irritated her eye. This morning she woke up with a swollen eye. It wasnt bright pink but now I am thinking, "OH GOD WE'LL ALL GET PINK EYE!!!" LOL. No big deal though ;)
Freaking rain. Thats all I can say about THAT.
Ever Get Tired Of Hearing I Can't Clean?
Donavan is coming home after school adn I cant wait. But I would like to have it a bit tidier before he gets here!
Plus Im trying to find kevs msi card. BLECH.
Wish me luck!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
At The Endddddd
I finished rug number 2. Number 1 was a red bird to see if I had the attention span to finish one. I did. Number 2 is for my parents for xmas to go on the wall. It was a rose using wool and wooly yarn. It turned out awesome. Today I am going to draw up number 3. My Ode to Kelly. LOL. I think as soona s i pull apart my new black coat and the brown I will probably borrow Donna's machine to cut it all. I have 4 pairs of scizzors and in that only 1 pair is usable becuase teh others are SO DULL from cutting wool.
Bought an Art Attack with Neil Buchannon book yesterday SCORE. I cant wait to get some paint and try some crafts out with Samara. Shes been copying a few 1 dimentionally the last 2 days. Creative bugger.
Bought 2 new bras from Additionelle friday. size G38! My actual measured size is H36 but they didnt ahve it so they improvised. I want to post NICE BOOBIE/ bra pictures but would that cross a line? HAHA who knows. Im so proud of the girls right now. HAHA.
Well I should go put pants on. Henri and her kiddies are coming to walk to mcdonalds with us. I realized i have a pack of those coupons abd they expire today!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Wow So Tired
I want to take a nap ut I dont nap well. I get nausious and sickly when I wake up.
Samara is home now and donavan is at brendas for the weekend.
I wish I had an elastic but I dont.
I was going to write and actual blog but Im too tired. LOL.
Im going to take Samara to Frenchies. MWAHAHA. I have a few dollers left over from my 1 week pay cheque. Might as well enjoy them.
Plus we borrowed Samara's 5 bucks last week so Ill let her get a toy, a book and Im thinking a wintery item ;)
Yes I am a control freak but it is too close for xmas for a dollerama excursion.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Samara To Donavan
"Youre such a baby. No baby toys allowed, baby."
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Holy 12:06...
I am goign to heck to bed now. Donavan is screaming in teh room and not going back down so Im going to take him to bed.
Morning comes so freaking early but I am going to read. Im too paranoid to sleep well knowing kev could come home anytime and I wouldnt know its him and so have a heart attack and die.
He is so inconsiderate.
And a big meanie, wienie, scheenie.
good night.
Ode To All Of The Things I Have Lost
One thing is a crochet magazine from teh 60s that kevs mom gave me. I want to crochet something (and if it goes well I want to crochet a few things) but without that book and so no pattern it will be hard.
On another note.
I am finding myself way to stressed and short with Samara lately. I am going to try to slow down and be a better parent to her. I think maybe she is acting out because she isnt feeling like shes getting enough attention lately? I doint know?
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Todayyy and AWAYYY
My landlord's man came over and put weather stripping on our back door. That should take care of some drafts back there which is awesome. He is going to check out our drip on a warm day outside and see if theres anythign he can do.
Had left over mac and hamburger for \lunch with donavan. Going to go get Samara in a few minutes.
God I am exciting.
Since jen mentioned it in an offhand way ;) Thank for the congrats adn all on getting away.
I was told yeserday that I ahve my funding and accomadations. Im going to be Karens partner. We're going to bum a ride with a health nurse (lol) and be bunkies for the night. Ask me how excited I am.
This is what I am attending. Jealous???? YOu should be!
I am so excited. The second day there will be a forum on Peer councilling. As a Breastfeeding Peer phone councillor I am going to learn SO FREAKING MUCH.
Funniest Face Ever
Monday, November 24, 2008
If you could move somewhere else would you?Heck yeah and teh world knows it.
Are you better at math or english?English i am scared of math.
Do you know anyone named Taylor?Last name sure, first name no.
How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?Donavan MWAHAHAH. (and Kevin)
Are you friends with someone who's older than you?Yes... most of them... sorry everyone cant be 23. :P:P
In the past week have you felt stupid?constantly. Sad isnt it?
Are you allowed to stay up later than ten o' clock on a weeknight?sometimes? depends on what time kevin demands that we retire.
Do people ever mistake you for being a different race?.... member of the human race here, dude.
Do you have your baby picture in your room?no
When was the last time you visited the zoo?this summer
Have you ever gotten your nails done?sadly no. im too low maintanence.
What happened at 10AM this morning?I was at Maggies Place
Were you happy when you woke up today?As happy as a non morning person can be I guess
Do you know the words to the song on your MySpace profile?I have no song and dont use myspace.
Do you ever leave messages on people's answering machines?If I have to and I feel stupid when I do
How did you get to sleep last night?closed my eyes
Did you see the person you like today?I saw lots of likable people.
Have you kissed anyone with a name that starts with a M?Mara? HAHA
Do you have any career ideas yet?nope
Did you wake up in the middle of the night last night?nope
Which one of your friends is so cocky you almost can't stand it?me, its awful.
The person you have feelings for shows up at your house, what do you do?Ask him how his day went.
Do your parents allow you to date?sure?
Will you talk to the person you like tonight?Eventually...
How often do you get a new comment on Facebook ?occasionally
Are there any stressful situations in your life?CHRISTMAS!
Whats a word that starts with the first letter of your first name?Lion
When a friend walks out of your life, do you go after them or let them go?depends how fast theyre walking
How many months until your birthday?5.5
Which of your friends is the easiest to talk to?I dont know? All of them. We speakie the same language and all
Does the thought of marriage scare you?No. the thought of divorce does. LOL
Do you get the recommended eight hours of sleep a night?Doubt it.
How do you know the last person you were in a car with?Pretty well. Whats tehre about a 17 month baby not to know?
Where were you at 10:17 pm last night?home
Besides this, what are you doing right now?listening to music, thinking about cleaning
Will you be up before 7 am tomorrow?I hope not
Who will be the first person you call tomorrow?Noone? LOL
Did you kiss or make out with anyone in the past week?Nope. fricking cold sore.
Are you a bitch?probably depending who you ask?
What is your best friends favorite food?soft tacos, steak and potatoes, I dont know? pepsi
Would you like to put last night on repeat, and live it forever?heck no
What’s the greatest thing that happened to you today?got a card for 20% off at a hair salon?
Donna lent me a book that sounds AWESOME. Lacy brought me avon books.
How old do you think you will be when you finally have kids?Ive had 2 and plan more eventually MWAAHAH. I LOVE KEVIN.
Do you think you'll be married in 5 years?better be or else.
Are you waiting for something?a self cleaning house
What do you wear to bed?A smile
Who are you closest to in your family?Kevin and the kids, henri, iris? LOL.
Have you ever snuggled with someone you weren't dating?donavan and samara all teh time.
When was the last time you and an opposite sex hugged?hugged donavan a little bit ago. Hes a snugglebunny
Can you touch your toes?of course. do i bend at teh knee, hell yah
Do you take walks often?nope. I walk places but not in a while. fricking snow and strollers dont mix well.
Are you afraid to grow up?hell yeah. Im 5'9 already
Who were you with last night?kevin and troy. MWAHAH. not funny. they were watchign a movie while i played on the computer
Last time someone yelled at you?not long ago im sure. were screamers here
What did you do this afternoon?cleaned i hope?
Last time you were truly sad?yesterday or the day before.
What kind of mood are you in?lazy
Do you like your life as of now?somewhat ;)
Where did your last hug take place?home
Are you tired right now?kind of
Do you have any siblings?yup
What should you be doing right now?cleaning
Are you a heavy sleeper?once i get to sleep
Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months?obviously
Are looks important?somewhat ;)
Would you ever want to swim with the sharks?yes that would be neat. (with metal mesh on)
What was the first thing you did this morning?dressed the kids
do you drink a lot of water?no.
Is anything alive in your room?probably ad living in the walls.
Where will you be 2 hours from now?here
Who was the last person to sleep in your bed besides yourself?kev and donavan
Would you bang your neighbor?with a hammer? sometimes?
Whats a word to describe your relationship status?half of a relationship. the lesser half is at work.
What was going through your mind during your last kiss?dont rememebr it was forever ago
The last person who held your hand?donavan
Who have you talked to most today?donavan, karen, or lacy
Color of your underwear?bright pink
Color of your shirt?purple tank and beige crochet thing over. Im hip.
I want:a cookie
Who do you miss?samara, kev
Honestly, how many people do you have feelings for?my family and friends.
Whats your favorite season?fall
Are you a bad influence?yes, beware
Would you rather have your name or your sibling's name?mine
Do you use headphones or earphones?speakers.
Would you do anything for someone else?sure
Have you ever been called a prick?nopeHow many first cousins do you have?technically alot
Are your grades good?they were not. I was lazy and skipped alot.
Do you ever think people hate you for filling these out?nah theyre fascinated... arnt you jen??? still with me???
Does your best friend(s) have a Facebook?yup but no computer
Do you have a tattoo?yes, 4
What are you doing tonight?nothing
Do you watch Family Guy regularly?if im bored
Do you read trashy romance novels often?yes the historical ones. secret obsession.
What's the last thing you bought?bread, pop, milk, doritos, and eggnog.
What's the last thing someone bought you?kev got me a salad.
What's your favorite movie?the running man
If you were stuck in a cave and you couldn't get out, what two people would you choose to have with you?kelly and kevin
When did your family get their first computer?when i was a teenager.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
I am so ready for a vacation from my kiddies.
Going away teh 4th and 5th will be nice but Im a bit more excited about Kev's work party the 19th.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
I am going to tell you all something that you can take whatever way you want. I DO NOT ENJOY SUBMITTING MYSELF TO THINGS THAT MAKE ME FEEL TERRIBLE. Makes sense I think.
Or not. I will elaborate.
For example. I do not watch Mississippi Burning, the colour purple, underground to canada, or any other those other movies centered around slavery and or cruelty. (With the BARELY exception of the racism in other movies such as Fried Green Tomatoes. (during which i leave the room probably). I like the idea around Casualties of war in that there was a sort of justice in teh end and michael J fox's character was such to be admired. I will never watch the movie again. EVER. I bought the movie sleepers years ago. I saw it when i was younger and thought it was a moving and powerful movie. Have I watched it since I bought it? No. I want to I jujst cant bring myself to do so. I love horror movies but hate the new genre of torture flicks that is replacing a good horror movie. It is one think to see teh big breasted chick scream in fear as she runs from Jason. Totally another to watch someone screaming in agony as they are tortured.
Understand now? I dont deny that there is bad in the world I just dont understand the need to revel in it. Seriously. It is my opinion and choice. Kev thinks it is wierd but it is me and I always have felt this way.
Which brings me to Facebook.
I totally understand the need to acknoledge child abuse and what happened to "Baby P" is the worst of it. The world should feel sorrow at what was done to that baby but I do not need it rubbed in my face. And I am at the point where I am angry and frustrated and ENRAGED at everyone who is doing just that. I didnt need to open facebook and see a detailed LIST of what was done becuase a contact of mine (not even a friend just someone who happened to add me) read it and commented on it.
what kind of bloodthirsty fucking society are we where someone would TYPE THAT OUT AND POST IT ON A PUBLIC FORUM?!?!?!??!!!! It disgusts me. Every person who read that disgusts me. Every person in every bloodthirsty group disgusts me.
I understand a memorial group etc but how are we remembering and honoring that sweet baby who lived and died when people are posting and reading that.
Do you turn and stare when you see a car accident in the hopes youll see blood?
Well I dont.
Have some fucking respect.
(I am not attacking my friends who read this. I am just so angry I needed to vent somewhere.)
Snowy Day
Friday, November 21, 2008
Donavan Gets In On The Video Blog Thing
To elaborate:
My landlord is supposed to pick up my late rent today (this morning). He passed us as I was walking Samara to school. No word since so I am thinking maybe he thinks I went out and therefore wont be home???
I would like to go uptown and search out some new wool today but it is FREAKING FREEZING out. So my ass is staying home.
My parents bought donavan new boots yesterday too which was awesome. my kids are ready for winter. Today I am going to search out all of our hats and mittens. Samara lost 2 hats in teh house yesterday. GRRR. donavans main hat is missing and kevs toque and my hat are awol too. Im goign to see if i cant fin d a needle and thread to bind my completed rug today. Right now I am working ona rose wallhanging as a christmas gift. shouldnt take long to do. I have so many plans but NO WOOL. blah.
Kev and I are finally sharing a bed again LOL. mind you donavan is there too but at least kevs not on the couch. We have a tiny double bed. it super sucks. even when i was single I had a bigger bed.
Christmas parade is tomorrow night. Half of me is excited cause I love parades, the other half is horrified becuase the noise of it gives me panic attacks. explain that, eh.
Well, shit to do and all.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Vid Blog Revenge
My revenge against Deb's video blog..
(note at the end my computer momentarily screwed up so you can see me making what the hell type faces. priceless.)
Back to writing later.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Riddle me this, Batman
We both love horror movies. BUT. He loves the old black xmas and oldies by Lucio Fulci. I love the alien movies, Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloweens, and the occasional slasher flick. That type of deal. I guess in short he is more traditional and I am more cheesy. (Heck, my favourite movie EVERRRRR is The Running Man. I love teh old Batmans, and hes more into the new. FRICKING love Michael Keaton, he enjoyed Christian Bale.
Which brings me to the eternal question.
Who is your favourite fictional character? And dont cheat, I want to know why. Analyze it a bit, c'mon, youve got time.
Ellen Ripley from the Alien movies. She is such a strong character who "handles" everything thrown at her. She is in control yet completely woman ;)
While watching the movies I think, what if it were me in that situation, could I act as she does? So selfless? I think I have a girl crush.
I watched most of Aliens and all of Alien 3 tonight. I think tomorrow I am going to watch Alien. I havent seen that movie in YEARS. I dont even remember it.
Friday, November 14, 2008
OKAY ALREADY, im blogging
To teh chicky who commented on the cats post...
I dont blog to TEACH YOU ANYTHING.
I blog to entertain myself and possibly the 1 person in the WORLD who mistakes personality flaws for funny or clever. (You know who you are)... :):)
DUH. Want to learn soemthing? Go here: http://lentilsandrice.blogspot.com/
Go now.... dont turn back.
monster at teh end of this book and all.
WORK STINKS. actually I love it and wish I could continue but sadly I miss my rotten children too badly and when I get home its hell at home. Poor donavan doesnt know where i went or why so he screams... he screams HAPPY first to see me. Then screams when i try to put him down again... then screams while hes up... WHy? Donnno...
So im trying to make it the first 2 weeks of training to make it have been worth while them im leaving and staying home again. I can handle budgetting until theyre older. I miss them and while i dont HAVE to work im not going to. So :P:P
What else is new?
got KFC for supper. they ahve a new meal especially for my family. Itsa variety thing. for 29.99 it had 8 pieces of chicken, 4 strips, popcorn chicken, fries, gravy, and 3 salads.
Great cause I dont eat "chicken" on the bones with fat and goo and skin and stuff. EW. dont get me started. its nasssty.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
The Little *^(*^$ $%^$^%#$% Did It Again!
trying to avoid my nasty words... Its not working.
Theyre lucky its saturday.
By God I am callimg tomorrow from work on my break.
The M*****F****** paper boy ripped me off AGAIN!
Im going to miss my little chimpanzee. Whatam I going to do without him to chase around trying to put a diaper and pants on to stay???
Samaras in school but I wont be there to walk ehr home... Poor baby.
My rug is almost done in happyier note. and it looks FANTASTIC. GO ME. I only have another corner of sky and a little sky in the top middle. The twig vs sky vs bird at teh bottem looks AMAZING.
I cant wait to show it off.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
I worked there on the floor for 6 month through many system failures, policy changes, management changes and oportunities for advancement. I enjoyed my job. :)
Samara was about 18 months or so (not quite 2). I was working until 4 AM 5 - 6 days a week and the only babysitter I could get to watch her was supposed to keep her until 10 AM so I could sleep but kept dropping her off at 7:00 AM. I wasnt getting enough sleep and was constantly sick. I was having anxiety, panic and bronchitis attacks constantly from not sleeping. It was awful and I couldnt handle it so I left for "medical" reasons on good terms.
Ive always held Teletech as a job I could get in a heartbeat if i needed one for whatever reason and recently Kev and I decided that us being poooooor folk and getting farther and farther behind was plenty of reason to get a job. The 5-10 guaruntee'd shift was definatly a deal maker. I will only need to rely on babysitter for the first month. Kev is off before 4 everyday and will be here in plenty of time, he will keep the kids while I work.
Were going to work at paying off our bills and gettign ahead and building and rebuilding credit :):)
Wondering what a Keener is???????? huh huh???
Friday, November 7, 2008
For my not so local buddy ;) and some who dont know
BFI is the Baby Frendly Initiative. (CANT SPELLLL). To make Cumberland County more breastfeeding friendly. I am a volunteer for teh breast feeding peer support network and sit on the BFI network as a member of the community and a bosom buddy :):)
Hows that for 1 upmanship my Steenky friend ;)
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Who Da Man
Thought I'd let y'all know.
Meet your new co-worker. And welcome my ass to TeleTech.
STarting Monday.
Is This My Child?
but she doesnt want to stay... I would be all about sending her except that she puked in her hair (on her braid). I rinsed her off last night but she needs it washed and so home she will stay.
Ive got a tired headache and somehow donavan got into kevs cologne. I am going to be the one puking, ugh LOL.
Kevs supposed to be off today but he has to go in to workfor a few hours to finish something He is off tomorrow as well.
tomorrow is a meeting of the BFI. Baby friendly inititive. Its awesome. I cant wait. Im going to see if angela will watch donavan though. Its a little early to expect kev to on his day off.
And I forgot. Im meeting with donna on our mysteriuos project beforehand. UGH. I shoiuld get somehting done on it today.
What is it, you ask again?
should I say tell you later again?
Basically I am helping her facilitate a program on the way that media presents women to children (girls) and how to spot the signs. et :)
Go feminism.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
My Apologies on the Half Assed Blog
OKAYYYY you asked for it.
So a day in my mundane life. (spelling mistakes and all).
Last night was the suckitiest night of my childbearing years.
I put donavan to bed (and samara but she goes to bed so well its not worht mentioning...) and tehn around midnight while kev and I were snuggling (JUST SNUGGLING! not hooking) Donavan woke up as usual. After about 10 minutes he was still yelling and wide awake so I went to go in and get him. I stepped in and smelled THE MOST HORRIBLE THING. I thought maybe a cat got in there and had a runny sickly poopie. EEWWWWWWWWWWWWEY.
Turned on the light and pooooor Donavan was standing at the crib bars pointing at a big pile of chocolatey puke on his bed and yelling and ewwiyyyyyeyyyy-innnngggggg. His eyes were saying "THE HELL MOMMY?!?!??" I carefully picked him up and transported him to the bathroom where i stripped his jammies and washed him down with a facecloth. Then I went in and stripped his bed, threw the blankets in the tub to be rinsed in the morning and put him in my bed. I gave him a LITTLE water in a bub to go to sleep (yes badddd mommy but at least its not milk...?) I read for a bit while waiting for him to drift off (took awhile, he kind of layed there looking at me funny. poor dude). FINALLY he fell asleep...
2 seconds after his eyes closed and his brewathing slowed he rolled over a bit and POWER PUKED!!! all over me, my bed, himself, my blankets and my pillows. OH YES.
it was AWESOME.
I ran us a bath and we had a short bath, washed his hair (thankfully mine was up and he missed it) and then got him more jammies and stripped my bed, washed teh SOAKED spot with a wet facecloth, dried it and flipped the mattress (couldnt think of anything else to do). threw down some sheets and a new blanket (not mine :(:( but none the less) and settled us back down. it was LATE... and he took FOREVER to settle down. Plus I withheld a bottle this time so he REALLY fought sleep...
7 am like clock work wasnt he up and happy, trying to escape the room. Needless to say we're not friends today.
I bought my rug hooking lap thingy today...
Its awesome.
Im going to go work on my rug...
If i ever get teh batteries of my camera charged again Ill take a picture of my rug on its thingy ;)
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
A Day Like Many Others...
Maggies place this morning for you make the difference. As I take this program for the 3rd time I realize that I rock this parenting biz. I dont need to learn any of it (again) becuase I already know. The program teaches about being more in touch with your kids, sharing new experiences and making the most of your time together. One of teh lessons if to make the important words stand out. And I so do. Such as, "Donavan dont hit your SISTER with that plastic bat, hit your DAD." See, important words.
After Maggies Place I came home (So exciting... I know). When it was time to pick samara up one of my better off friends was practicing the biblical lesson, more blessed to give than recieve. She brought over 3 bags of pantry items and some tissue. It was such an awesome thing for her to do. She also gave someone SOMETHING (shes got a strong newfie accent sometimes and occasionally I have been known to nod like I understand, case in point, today) and she gave another friend some books that her children would like. She is such a good friend, would do anything for a person :) More people should be like her!
Once Samara was home I tidied a bit. Samara was starving and having a pickyfit too so though she was huingry she would NOT accept the choice of sandwich I gave her. Aparently she didnt eat her chips for her lunch snack. Why I asked? The teacher would let her becuase she wouldtn eat her sandwich. Well hurray teacher. About time someone stood up to her picky, spoiled eating habits (besides me). Maybe next time she will eat the sandwich I lovingly in a hurry pack for her in teh morning 3 minutes after she SHOULD have left for school. Anywho... In short I wasnt sure what teh appropriate response was.... be angry that the teacher wouldnt let her eat teh snack I sent for her to enjoy at lunchtime or use it as a lesson to MZ PRISSYEATER that unlike what nanny teaches at her house the world doesnt revolve around what she wants to eat when. EAT YOUR MF SANDWICH OR ELSE is mroe often my response. (and if you take offense to me yelling MF at my 5 year old A) shut YO MF MOUTH... and B) obviously it is a dramatic reinactment.... therefore MF is used to suggest I was frustrated... though I may have said, if you dont want a freaking sandwich when ALL WE HAVE IN THE HOUSE IS BREAD AND YOUR CHOICE OF PEANUTBUTTER OR NONAME CHEESEWHIZ THEN YOU CAN STARVE! <<
In short I agree with what the teacher did and I informed Samara of that and WHY I agree'd with the teacher and am not going up in arms about it. (though despite her picky ways, my child is luckily a 'go with the flow' type and accpeted her no sandwich then no chips fate with nary but a IM STARVING complaint.)
Can I stop here and apologise for my shitty typing skills??? I dont understand it, I spend as much time on the puter as before (maybe even more now that Im actually DOING the project I should ahve started ummmmmm in the beginning of the summer....
Once Kev got home, he was all like, GET YO MF BOOTS ON BIATCH! and I was all, YES YOUR SUPREME SEX GODINESS.
Once Kev got home we got ready adn all walked to the mall area. We went to subway (yum) Samara turned in ehr free kids meal slip and got a balony sandwich and juice box. (yes, i know), Kev got steak and cheese 6 inch and I got a FOOT LONG MONSTER of a veggie delight (with toooo much MAYOOOO) i only ate half and saved the rest for ohhh about an hour ago. YUM.
Then liquidation world.
Then Walmart.
Kev bought Fall Out 3 and got a littlest pet shop for Samara. She asked very nicely if wed buy her something. She got one with a little pile off poop, newspaper, and a scooped. TOO FRICKING CUTE. and wierd.
Then we went grocery shopping YAY and home again where we are now.
Remind me to tell you about my project, Lazy blogger is kicking in.
****** Yes I did say pile OFF poop and SCOOPED. It wasnt your imagination.
Monday, November 3, 2008
I know I am showing off now arnt I?
Like my new layout? Thank you.
Cant take all teh credit. I undecorated my house from halloween after trick or treating andf the kids going to bed. then I was tinking I had to get rid of teh black and orange I had going on on the ol blog. Then I said nayyyyyyyy toooo layyyyyy-z.
The DEB changed hers to the pretty aqua greenyness. And so to keep up with the jones-es I changed mine too last night.
WTG me.
Finalllly got my maintanence last night... too late to get anyone to take me to pay it, thank you very much.
fate would have it i am never going to be my landlord's favourite. after maggies this morning im going to go to the bank (PLEASE DONT BE TOO COLD) then I am going to let him know it is here ;) Then let him know I am not going to be ontime like i thought i would this month. No sirree. It sounded like a good idea to borrow 200 from kevs sister on tuesday and that combined with kevs 500$ cheque would pay our rent and I could pick up 50$ worth of stuff we need... Except we need too much. DIAPERS and MILK top begin with. theres 20$ plus wipes, 25$. plus god knows what else for 2 weeks of broke again. Nahhh.
well gotta go get samara to do her homework and dress everyone.
(Plus read teh online paper... remind me to call and cancel teh subscription today)
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Despite THAT I am in a Great mood...
A Step and a Half Away From Pissed
Did you know our rent was to be paid YESTERDAY?
Ill be there tomorrow after lunch. I am severely PISSED. I DID SO MUCH TO MAKE THINGS EASIER ON THAT WORM. cant pay teh 15th can I cash the cheque on the last day of the month? SURREEEE even though now we have no money until the end of the month. NO PROB.
dont cash the cheque until the friday AFTER the end of teh month? SURE.
My ass. Welcome to november second.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Nablopomo Dude!

Ive decided to participate in this years Nablopomo.
Basically this is how it works. Blog everyday for the whole month of November. I know, you're excited to read me EVERYDAY, right?
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
waiting game
Thankfully samara is playing great by herself in her room and isnt available for the brunt of my... disappointment? Cheerlessness? utter feelings of uh and ugh?
Whatever and all of that.
Im going to go and finish what I have been doing and then make another supper that samara will enjoy at least. How is that for exciting really?
Once donavan gets home and is fed I am going to play excited and help Samara turn her scary jackolantern vision into a reality.
The things we do on a Wednesday.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
So Because I am So BORING.
Quicky run down.
Tomorrow my munchkin is coming back from Brendas again where hes been since sunday. Its so lonesome without him to chase especially lately. Enough of the poor poor pitiful me.
Maggies place you make the difference today. chatted and bitched with Lisa for a little bit, chatted with my new buddy a bit, you get it. I chatted.
Susan's place for coffee afterward. watched some boob tube, Played some WII sports, played with her workout equiptment. I SO cant do a sit up. I suck LOL.
The rest of today was spent finishing the diningroom.
As of yesterday Our bed in the back bedroom with donavan's crib. Samaras single bed (she has a new one in her room) it set up in the diningroom. This way I can hopefully get donavan to sleep in his own bed adn kev can sleep on a bed and not teh couch. See how that does to kill some tension. Hopefully LOADS.
Before that was monday, chat n chew and i got the back room ready for our bed.
Before that weekend where we did little to nothing.
Saturday we went to teh opening of a new factory in town. They had BIG blowup rides. One was a giant moon bouce. Samara went on once herself adn I took donavan on too teh second time. FUN.
The other thing was a GIANTTTTTT slide. First you climb a wall using the handles then slide straight down a huge scary slide then again. AWESOME and scary.
dont complain that I dont ever blog ;)
Sunday, October 26, 2008
A Minor B*t*hFest
I want to be able to walk around in the dark and know I wont step on god knows what. I would like to go to the cupboard and get a cup when thirsty rather than having to hunt a cup down whereever one MIGHT be. It would be nice to be able to go sit on the couch and relax without worrying about what I should be doing.
I am tired of the insinuations that it is my fault it is messy. It takes a family to mess this place up. I dont get why its not universally known. Honestly? Am I missing some important piece of the puzzle that says that I am teh only one who should do dishes or pick up as I go along?!?!???
I am alone in the responsibility and blame for the messy house around here. I walk around strewing toys everywhere adn leaving cups around to never be found again. I remove my clothes in teh livingroom and leave them so when I do laundry I have to wander the hosue in search of clothes so I wont complain later when theyre not washed?
I am not saying that I dont do anything messy becuase I am a slob and I admit it. But i would think that if I admit a failing and BEG for help correcting it. (BEG OVER AND OVER) Then I would get SOMETHING.
Seriously. "start in one room and stick with it" doesnt work for me. WHERE DO I START?!?!?!? In my own OCD way I will ALWAYS ALWAYS either rearrange the dvd shelf tehn get bored or I will grab dirty clothes and dishes adn start laundry and a sink of dishes. Then the counters then get bored.
Where is my list of chores i have been BEGGING FOR??!?!?!?????
Maybe theres a list online?
Off to see.
Maggie's Place Halloween Party

Samara Mermaid and Yoda Play Bean Bags
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Its Been Awhile
took the kidsto the maggies place halloween pary today. It wasnt bad. VERY crowded. Donavan was SO FREAKING CUTE as Yoda and Samara was a beautiful mermaid.
Did some dishes today. Yep. I am an overachiever.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
House cleaning One tip at a time.
It is my only objective :):)
Used the first tip in the book I bought on organizing yesterday to clean the livingroom (pick up so many things in such an amount of time.) So I am going to use it again. I ahve been up 2.5 hours so i am picking up 150 things and putting them in their places.
Wish me luck!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Noone believes they will take donavan so we shall see.
I really want to clean up. Genuinely... I need a hyposis book on not being a slob anymore!
I got a bunch of corny new music last night MWAHAH so i might try to clean to it.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
I think Im going to clean up the house a bit then who knows. :)
Kev said he would be home early so maybe hell be around by then.
We're going to sherry's for turkey dinner tomorrow. Kevs brother will be there with his kids. Kev and I ahve agree'd we need to prepare Samara for his neice Kassidy but how? its so complicated.
Well off to tidy.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Holy Good Grief
ughhhhh boredy bored bored.
Was supposed to go shopping today with my sister. My mother wanted to tag along and I was frightened and anxiety ridden. they called when they were on teh way and told kev to get smaara ready (I was outside with donavan waiting) and he came down and told me and I was inwardly FREAKING out. Samara was NOT coming. Nothing was changing becuase my mother was now involved. (besides that we were supposed to go at 5 but my mother wanted 6, ugh.)
AMAZINGLY it didnt go too bad. Mind you I always feel left out when it comes to my mother and sister becuase they ahve a relationship where i have none personally with my mother besides she being my children's grnadmother and I dont talk to my sister often (thought she did clean my messy house twice). But it wasnt bad.
Now kevin is withhis brother (home soon?) and i am here bored.
In other great news my buddy kelly FINALLY emailed and then called me. FINALLY. lol. its been a MONTH. I had to cut short cause my phone died and when i tried to call this evening there was no answer so GOD knows when Ill be able to actually talk to her. I cant call her normally now in teh evenings anyway cause kevs generally home in teh evening and she works during the day. I invited her around next weekend so well see. So much to tell her.
She is the BEST and MOST AWESOME listener i have ever met. a real kindred spirit. HAHA. maybe well get married and have genius, over-analitical and a little bit crazy kids. Who knows? LOL.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Some Cats
This is Elphaba. Named for The Wicked Witch of the West from the story Wicked. Why? you ask why name a kitten after the Wicked Witch? A) I didnt want a kitten much like Elphaba's parents didnt want a green child. and B) she looked ugly, miserable and evil... and now she looks... ugly miserable and pitiful. She is just a baby still and likes to curl up with someone. Including Mr. Donavan while he is playing.
And Valentine. Named for a conbination of Kevin Bacon's Character in Tremors and a character in a romance novel that I love. He is a very high strung sookiebaby.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
The Top (howevermany) People Who SHould NOT Be Allowed To Roam The Streets Unattended.
Starting with the MOST ANNOYING!!!!!!!
1) Crowds of people who stand on the sidewalk and chat. And by crowd I mean 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 12 people, or even 1 FRICKING PERSON IN THE MIDDLE NOT MOVING FOR PEDESTRIANS. On my HURRIED way to get Samara this afternoon (I live ohhh about 7 minutes from teh school by foot and left the house today at ohhhhh 4 minutes to 'go-home-bell-time'
2) People who block the sidewalk and the walkway from my house so their DOGS can sniff the bushed by my yard when I am trying to pass. The the guy's ugly scruffy little DOG had the AUDACITY to BARK at me as I tried to go around them (again ONTO THE LAWN).
3) SLOWWALKING PEOPLE WHO DONT MOVE TO LET YOU BY even when you make alot of noise behind them and tell your child, "Dont worry Donavan, well be back on our speedy way soon."
4) Old men at the local dive bar. nough said.
5) That creeepy crazy mouthwash drinking dude who lives UPTOWN BESIDE THE THEATER in the same building as legal aid. wtf? Not even a residential zone im SURE. I dont know anyone who doesnt cross the street away from there, even when headed for the legal aid lawyer or to see a movie...
6) My friend Deb
(KIDDING!!!! go read her blog. It is interestingly different ;);) youll learn something... what? I dont know ;) go see. Go Deb... see ya monday)
Off Joke ;)
It was a joking reference to the amazon.com ads I added the other day.
I love amazon.com. We buy ALOT of movies from there and I buy 99.9% of all of my books off the site.
I actually forgot about the other ads, and if i broke a TOS rule with my last post i am AWFULLY SARRY.
I really dont mean to make any money (or aparently annonomous friends, teehee) but rather I an experimenting and "spreading my blog wings" if you will.
Maybe I broke another TOS by telling how much I love amazon?
I could complain a bit about the couple of STUPIDDDD movies kevin bought off there... Try Zombie Lake. It was a classic... The fact that the DVD gave the option of dressed or naked versions, WOW.
But that is kevs fault.
Or that the last book I bought from there took an extra MONTH to get here...
But once it arrived it was in PERFECT never read condition... I paid a cent for it plus shipping... cant complain there. ;)
Never the less,
Just thought I would respond to my annonomous commenter ;)
Do come again, darlin.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Holy Scary Dream Batman
We were at his family's cabin (I felt it was his families) with our child. (Donavan at samara's age? donno). All was well adn we were getting dressed to go to town to get supplies. As I was half dressed some strange woman came to the door (i think she was lost). Kevin started being very mean and disrespectful toward me. after he kept picking and picking i threw on a sweater, grabbed a couple of garbage bags and told him I was leaving and going home. I packed all of my stuff and the child's stuff while he was going insane threatening me and so on if i left. I packed the stuff in the car, put the kid in and went and sat in the backseat. He had the keys. When he came out he was still freaking adn threatening. he pulled out fo teh driveway and started SPEEDING erradically on teh icy roads while being insane. I was trying to gouge his eyes or nostril and screaming out the window for help while we sped through a town.
When kev said its time to wake up I didnt even hear him. I thought he was calming down in my dream and thats what he said.
Then I woke up. to him saying it again.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
The plan as of right now.
So I am going to enjoy this coffee while ignoring my screaming children fighting. I am going to burn the second matrix movie. And while I do that I am going to work on a pogo badge.
After my coffee I am going to tidy the livingroom and dining room and start a load of laundry. And keep tidying until the matrix is done.
When it finishes I am going to relax and watch it in my tidy livingroom. Samara will probably watch it to so we will be havign a deep philosofical (sp) discussion about the movie and the religioun inspired by it. Samara is a good listener.
If the matrix fails like a jackass then I will be watching Escape from NewYork. And enjoying Snake Blitzken's manliness. With Samara. After I explained to her the rules of movies, There are NO WOMEN IN RAMBO... and there is NO CRYING IN BASEBALL! I think she really understood it. Minor oversight when I forgot to tell her Rambo was the good guy and that He didnt kill the (ahem) woman the bad guys did, And yes she was good but THE ARE NO WOMEN IN RAMBO. rambo is too damaged for a girlfriend. To which she relied, "But he HAD a girlfriend..." ANd I replied, "But now she is DEAD. because (say it with me) THERE ARE NO WOMEN IN RAMBO!"
And to reiderate the fact that I believe in forcing violent movies on impressionable children, Donavan LOVED rambo. He sat on my lap and watched happily while rambo prepared his guns for battle. ****DROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLL* HAHA
Now I ahve wasted enough time. There are movies to burn, coffee to drink, badges to work at, 2 rooms to clean, and movies to watch.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Went to My Aunt's Wedding Today. (yesterday)
I think about getting married occasionally... I dont want to be married in a church because it holds no significance to me (sorry, but I am being honest.)
I was never raised in a religious home and though I have gone to a local church a number of times teh past few years I still dont find the comfort or meaning in it that others do.
I always thought I wanted to be married in teh courthouse. My mother and stepfather were married there in fact. but i have been second thoughting that alot lately. It just lacks some feeling I think. Henri and Bill were married in a friend's back yard and it was lovely. I am thinking now that I would like to be married outside too. :):) I want the dress and veil and flowers. I ahve NO IDEA who I would pick to stand with me or anythign like that. (unlike many I dont really have any lifelong friends.) Technically my oldest friend is Jennf rom ontario but i havent seen her since 6th grade and havent really talked to her in aout 5 years besides facebook. and even then it isnt nearly as close as it was before.
The biggest thing I always wanted was the reception and party since the days of catering weddings. It was always so neat when teh bride would be there in her long gorgeous dress :):)
I would probably have dinner catered then a kareoke dance later once the kids are gone. (I dont sing kareoke unless too too drunk to hear myself but I enjoy it. LOL. Kev likes to sing too ;)
Monday, September 22, 2008
Im a Wussy
Kev could make it a minute and 19 seconds... LOL... how long could you?
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Beware... I am Blogging again
Donavan is sittign in teh toybox playing with a barbie and samara is waxing poetic about a sunfllower that died at my motehr's house. while I work on a Pogo badge. I think my neighbors downstairs are fighting (she said she was going to kick him out after the weekend so maybe?) or theyre laugh? maybe? The upstairs neighbors kept kevin up last night again with their outrageously loud music. a day in the life and all i guess. ive been up foir an hour and a half and i havent done anythign but make the kiddies toast. I finished my book last night so today I shall be searching for another one to read. Ive been on a historical romace kick lately. its a guilty pleasure. The men are so big and strong and the women (in johanna lindsay's books at least) defy convention by being absolutly strong and independant.
Ive been trying to get ahold of a friend of mine for a week now. GRR. LOL. I feel like i am bugging her or somethign when i call. its hard to say if she even knows ive been calling. LOL. her man doesnt give messages and aparently he is the type who RUNS to the phone to see who has called.
I guess ill go and call her again LMAO.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Here is a slightly rhetorical question...
I AM NOT PLANNING A TRIP TO COURT (yet.. mwahaha... jk) BUT...
Say the person paying child support to the other person for one child (lets call him Mr. I... No too obvious... HAHA Mr. A paying Ms. B), records a musical cd and the cd is picked up to be sold in stores for $15.00 a pop. And Mr. A decides to donate the proceeds to a very good charity would the money from the sale of the c.d.s be considered income??? And therefore should it be taken into consideration for child support?
My daughter's donor (who I have nothing nice to say about besides he is brave to be wearing heavy guyliner around here...) pays me support to the tune of (more money that anyone else's donor pays aparently.) X dollars calculated by his expense report (including, like, $60.00 monthly haircuts etc HAHA) and his income tax information in which he only included income from his techie work. When I was feeling angry and vindictive and tired of fighting over visitation that he didnt actually want, just wanted to fight over recently... (vinDICKtive.. nvm...)... I was going to take him back to court to have arrangements put in stone instead of "as agree'd apon by teh two parties". If I had to do that I was going to go for a recount in maintanence. Dude travels EVERYWHERE with his "music" plays bars and clubs and coffeehouses at top pay. Well known fact FEW musicians (not him) ever report such income as income unless called on it, which is happening more and more. I was going to call him on it. (see the absolute distaste i have for him and his squabbles and bullying?)
Then I decided to give him 1 ONE more chance and we settled on an agreement. Much mudslinging and snarkiness abound of course. and so I saved us all a trip to court. I dont NEED more money, just a way to make that money grubbing tight wad suffer for his bullying and general assholiness.
Which brings up my thought. As soon as I read he was donating the proceeds to charity the other day (He posted it EVERYWHERE) I knew that there were 2 reasons to do it. number 1) impress whatever chick/ news article he was trying to impress and B) *DRUMROLL* to avoid having to give anything to ME for MY DAUGHTER. He is just that type of person.
So teh general question (whoever is still hanging on... Kim??? Deb??? AT LEAST?!?!??!!?!??? guyyyyyyssss??? hello??? *cheep cheep cheep* anywho
can a person paying support avoid paying it by donating his or her (equal oportunity here people) earnings to a charity???
Changing the about this blog...
If only I could figure out how. HAHA
This blog is all about the many ways that I can laugh while poor, heartbroken, in pain, down on my luck, and in the middle of any of the many feuds that I seem to be suffering at anytime. (why does the world hate me??? WHY?)
add to that ANOTHER COMPLIMENT form the annon... (bet you thought i was going to type that... SYK... sike? cike? whatever,,,) in the form of, though i am not witty like dooce or Liz or the umpteen other professional mommybloggers ;);) I still have my personable appeal ;)
Yes, it is true... this is what it is like to ahve a phone conversation with me... except this way there is no other party interrupting me thinking that they deserve to talk too. HAHA... WAIT UNTIL THE END...
I wish phone calls came with the option to comment...
I want to thank all of the little people...
That was my speech if i ever actually won anything. Who are the little people, you ask? No idea but if you read a few childrens books and watcha few shows you may find a little family called the Littles... or their distant mouse cousin, Stuart Little... or even What's His Face... on tv... you know? Little dark haired kid... has a much bigger, younger brother dark haired kid? Whatever.
Actually I am just waiting for word on if I should go visit Kev's mother with my snooty baby today.
I was informed today (by an annon... (cant spell it, not going to try) source who shouldnt admit to enjoying my blog) that she feels my pain while laughing. (my words not hers).
In case you ever wondered, that is my intention... To make myself feel better by showing everyone how it can be funny when bad luck strikes. v e r r r y f u n n n n y
On a side note, my Mr. Man loves candy. I would even say he LIVES for it. If he can snatch a wayward piece up from whereever Miss Samara has dropped it, then he is a happy happy baby. However if someone should, out of fear for his LIFE!!!) take it from him, watch out. MELTDOWN. For you see, My sweet boy has a TEMPER to rival ANYONE's. And it gets UGLY in here.
And Now I am Going to Tell You About Some great Movies That I Have seen Lately. (Did you like my innappropriate use of Caps?)
We Own The Night...
LOVED IT. (and not becuase the movie started with Eva Menendez masterbating... obviously.) there I ruined it for you. Yup. in teh first 5 seconds when youre wondering if her arm REALLY is moving and her hand REALLY is down there, it is. Now cover your husband/ partner's eyes becuase in the next frame you WILL see her boobie/ nipple. Just so youre prepared.
This movie was great. It had everything. (hot men, uniforms, police action.) Characters you can really relate to, the PATHOS BABY! (just like that word... pathos. look it up, you will like ti too... and soon everytime you read a book, see a move, hear a song youll be thinking, "AHHHH The pathos makes it all worth while." Dont doubt me on this.
Im not going to tell you the storyline or anythign ebcuase I always give away too much. (Did i ruin the beginning? Im sorry,,, it just had nothing t do with the storyline and I thought you should be prepared...)
No Reservations
Good grief aaron eckhart is hotness... He grows on you.
Great chick flick. Kind of sad at times but awesome. I LOVED IT> watch it.
Astronauts Wife
Right up until the end I was SERIOUSLY wishing that Johnny Depp was mine... (not HIM, silly, his character). I dont even really find him attractive but he was so loving and passionate and intuned to his wife. READ THAT KEVIN?!?!?????? BE MORE LIKE HIM WHY DONCHA.
(it is safe to say that because by this point kevin will ahve gotten bored reading this long blog and went to some gamer related website.)
This was a great movie (astronauts wife? remember?) (though a little agonizing by the mid-end...) LOL. Watch it. its great...
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Murphy's law? What can f*** up, will???
Again Karma? Couldnt this S*** wait until I have died and come back as a cockroach? (Bad religious joke.. I guess I do invite Karma...)
An attack of the "WHY MEEEE"s? (yep... a BIG ONE.)
Yesterday I opened our bank account online...
to show Kevin how to get to the balance to check how much he was paid this morning...
and got the "surprise" that ruined our nights...
no... not bank fraud... (I would prefer it frankly.)
Just a F****** maintance cheque BOUNCED into my account 2 days before Kev's pay is automatically put in.
And WHY GOOD FOLKS WHO POSSIBLY READ (or at least SKIM my blog occasionally) IS THIS A TRAGEDY?!?!
So as of this morning we had $215 in our acct. Just enough to paid kevs family back FINALLY the money they have been waiting for desperately. (Why should anyone else suffer?)
Kev had nothing to take for lunch and, in the true form of cutting off his nose to suit his shitty night before, wouldnt take our only $20.00 to buy lunch... or the breakfast treat he was going to today. (yes it is noble but I am in a P***Y mood right now and refuse to be kind to anyone.)
So today will be SUPERFUN.
I will be messaging SHITHEAD (sorry "forgot" to bleep that) to inform him that his cheque bounced and (Using my "I" statements - healthier for everyone) that "I NEED him to TRANFER THE MONEY DIRECTLY TO MY ACCOUNT TODAY (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) because we HAVE NO F****** FOOD IN MY F****** HOUSE and therefore cant make suppers or send Samara a lunch." GOD F****** DAMN IT. (him, damn him who bounced the cheque... please, I swear I will attend church every week and PRAY and bow my head and shake hands and SING and EVERYTHING if only S***head comes through.)
and when he starts talking about the fee HE has to pay for bouncing it (becuase it is all about HIM and the world revolves around HIM) PLEASE grant me the clever-ness of tongue to let him know i dont give a RATS ASS ABOUT HIM OR HIS FEES.
Wish me luck.
I will be VERY crabby if he doest come through
Ill go teh the FREAKING FOOD BANK IF I HAVE TO but the food bank doesnt give out antihistamines for kevs hives that itch NOR DO THEY GIVE BIRTHCONTROL PATCHES. and I need a patch!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Ugh Broke
Ive got a gift for kevs mom bought (Avon) and I have a few for Kev and the kids picked out so I am getting a jump on it. My nerves cant take another christmas running at the last minute.
gotta go russle up something for my little guy form our empty cupboards. LOL.
Sunday, September 7, 2008

(Venturing into unknown blogging territory again lets see how this goes...)
Jen at http://dailymishmash.com has posted a challenge.
And I am going to take that challenge. DUN DUN DUN... Actually it was a wonderful coincidence that I read about this on Carol's blog http://siswicks.blogspot.com/ I was thinking today that I am going tog et more active. I am tired of rolls and blubber. I would like to actually feel sexily...as opposed to assuming that Kev stays with me because im there. HAHA
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
I know, I really should post more often/ The Cat Situation
Kevs at work and I am sitting here procrastinating the dishes. I dont mind doing the dishes but I am so genetically lazy that I hate doing anything.
So My sister (who I havent really been talking to) messaged me randomly on MSN and said she was stopping up and had a present for me. I asked if I should be scared adn she said No but Kev should. I informed her the present BETTER NOT squirm and say MEOW. (She had 2 cats have kittens withen a week a couple months ago). Needless to say it did squirm and say meow. She asked kev if we would "babysit" the cat for 2 days becuase she was tipsy (shed had a few beer while here that evening) and he said yes but she HAD TO COME BACK for it. The day she was to come back kev said, first thing in the morning, "That kitten is going back today" I said, "If thats what you want...." And he said we could keep it as long as I took care of it and cleaned the shitter box. (I take care of all the cats and do the shitterbox anyway). Now we have Valentine our beautiful big shedding asshole of a long haired blackandwhite thing, Peeppeep (Peepers) the orange adn white shorthair (I think shes UGLY but everyone says shes beautiful), and Elphaba (Phaba) who is one funnylooking cat. She has a big round head with a PERFECTLY flat face. she is black with grey and brown and orange and cream mixed in. (Orange splotch on her head, one cream foot, light brown around one eye and under the other and under her chin). Kev says she is ugly but meh.
Samara starts school tomorrow. To be honest she has a bunch of new shirts to start with and a new bag and lunchbag and sneakers but I couldnt find her pants anywhere (Jeans). I got her a pair of boys jeans at Frenchies that wernt too bad. I think theyll be cute with her new pink sweater and a girly top and her new sneakers. :)
Well dishes are calling, Best I go answer them ;) (Plus UGH the laundry...)
Sunday, August 31, 2008
So Donavan
Doodle by Lee. The code for this doodle and other doodles you can use on your blog can be found at Doodles.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
I Just Dont Know What To Do.
Im going to go through my kitchen with a fine toothed comb first. I am sure it isnt there. Im sure ti is either dining room SOMEWHERE or livingroom. Maybe trapped under the couch. I moved teh couch yesterday and swept it well under there but anything big owuld have gotten pulled along and not left there... So maybe?
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Random Thought
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Im terrified
In my opinion he only has anyhting to do with her for publicity. He poses her for loving family pictures though he only sees her every few months. he takes her to crystal palace and takes tons of pictures (ALWAYS HIM IN THEM TOO) and NEVER buys her anything. Wont \let her play the games to win anything. Last week he (and a lady friend of course) took her to moncton to see a movie. While there they went to chapters. He took her to the childrens section and posed her and himself with some toys by the kids books and took some pictures... but DIDNT BUY HER ANYTHING!?! I know she would ahve killed for the little stuffed thing she is holding and she LOVES books but nope. Didnt buy her zilch. not like hes BROKE. he has the money, just doesnt play into his plans to actually spend money on her when photo-ops are free. He even put on his FB "cant wait to show his daughter the big city". Makes me sick.